100 Quotes To Help You Move On After Your Relationship Ends

100 Quotes To Help You Move On After Your Relationship Ends

When a relationship ends, it can be difficult to know how to move on – and the same goes for friendship breakups, too.

Some people are able to move on super quickly after a breakup, but for others it takes longer – and there’s no right way to respond. After all, relationships are a huge part of our lives, and for good reason. So, if you’ve struggling to get over a breakup, or just need a bit of a positive boost, here are 100 moving on quotes that are guaranteed to make you feel better about the situation – even if just for a little bit.

1.You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analysing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could’ve, would’ve happened… or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on.
• Tupac Shakur

2. Letting go means to come to the realisation that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.
• Steve Maraboli

3. Girls you’ve gotta know when it’s time to turn the page.
• Tori Amos

4. One of the best times for figuring out who you are & what you really want out of life? Right after a break-up.
• Mandy Hale

5. Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
• Lyndon B. Johnson

6. Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can’t build on it; it’s only good for wallowing in.
• Katherine Mansfield

7. Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got.
• Robert Brault

8. The most difficult aspect of moving on is accepting that the other person already did.
• Faraaz Kazi

9. Your heart`s strength is measured by how hard it holds on. Your self worth and faith is measured by finally letting go. However, your peace is measured by how long you don`t look back.
• Shannon L. Alder

10. Life moves on and so should we.
• Spencer Johnson

11. A very wise man once told me that you can’t look back – you just have to put the past behind you, and find something better in your future.
• Jodi Picoult

12. That’s all you can do in this world, no matter how strong the current beats against you, or how heavy your burden, or how tragic your love story. You keep going.
• Robyn Schneider

13. The great courageous act that we must all do, is to have the courage to step out of our history and past so that we can live our dreams.
• Oprah Winfrey

14. Keeping baggage from the past will leave no room for happiness in the future.
• Wayne L Misner

15. What’s past is prologue, and the world awaits.
• Lisa Mantchev

16. The secret to life is to have no fear. When you can let go of what others think about you, how something is going to turn out, or how your past will affect your future, then you are finally living life free.
• Shannon L. Alder

17. The greatest win is walking away and choosing not to engage in drama and toxic energy at all.
• Lalah Delia

18. No one is worth wasting a gorgeous weekend over.
• Susane Colasanti

19. Sometimes, you’re the one who strikes it lucky. Sometimes, it’s the other poor bastard who’s left with the short straw, and you just have to shut up and get on with it.
• M.L. Stedman

20. Don’t worry. Just when you think your life is over, a new storyline falls from the sky and lands right in your lap.
• Rebekah Crane

22. The thing about heartbreak, I realised, is it’s not really about waiting for things to stop hurting before you start moving. A broken heart can and will heal in time, but for time to actually do its job, I needed to acknowledge what I had lost, and move on.
• Ana Tejano

23. Every day has a past. Every day has a tomorrow.
• Amy Meyerson

24. The only real battle in life is between hanging on and letting go.
• Shannon L. Alder

25. You will evolve past certain people. Let yourself.
• Mandy Hale

26. Sometimes you hold on to what’s left,
Sometimes you let go to start afresh.
• Sanhita Baruah

27. The past is full of if-onlys and they’re all bullshit.
• Michael Rutger

28. Sometimes in order to move the mind forward we must shift its gears out of reverse.
• Curtis Tyrone Jones

29. No reason. They (some things) just are, and that’s all there is to it. Some things you just have to accept and move on from.
• A.F. Harrold

30. And I finally let go,
It was the beginning for me
And the end for you.
• Nikki Rowe

31. Sometimes the best way to be happy is to learn to let go of things you tried hard to hold on to that are no longer good for you.
• Faraaz Kazi

32. There’s a difference between wanting to stay and being too afraid to let go.
• Victoria Schwab

33. They say heartbreak is a blessing. It helps you grow and turns you into a better, more powerful person. You become as strong as a beast.
• Priyanka Agarwal

34. Our time together was the best yet.
But even in paradise the sun must set.
• Anangsha Alammyan

35. You have changed but that is okay. Life is not static, why should you be?
• Samantha Tamburello

36. Sometimes forever doesn`t happen. And that`s something we all occasionally forget.
• Dominic Riccitello

37. Letting go doesn`t mean giving up, it means moving on.
• Toni Sorenson

38. I guess that’s just part of loving people: You have to give things up. Sometimes you even have to give them up.
• Nitya Prakash

39. Sometimes we can only find our true direction when we let the wind of change carry us
• Mimi Novic

40. You cannot control the way people treat you, but you can control how you feel about the way they treat you. Simply put, you cannot choose people’s actions but you can decide your reactions.
• Olaotan Fawehinmi

41. I always get to where I am going by walking away from where I have been.
”A. A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh

42. Sometimes you must let people go because their pieces no longer fit. This departure is for the betterment of your energy, your space and your precious life.
• Melody Lee

43. You can’t walk away without also walking towards.
• Rachel Hartman

44. Momma used to say, you got to know when to move. More important than knowing when to stay put.
• Joyce Carol Oates

45. I realized that there was no point or sense in chasing after happiness that had perished.
• Mikhail Lermontov

46. There’s a reason why golfers walk forward to their next shot. It’s to move on.
• J.R. Rim

47. Turn your back on the love you have for someone who has turned his back on you.
• Khang Kijarro Nguyen

48. The pain of letting go will be eclipsed by the relief of moving on.
• Scott Stabile

49. Don’t stay in the harbour and miss the greatness of the sea. Just because everyone else is anchored, doesn’t mean you have to be.
• Joyce Rachelle

50. You’ll be surprised to know how far you can go from the point where you thought it was the end.
• Faraaz Kazi
51. The curtain has fallen on the past, the performance has gone dark and the actors have moved on. Applaud the show, but don`t stay in the dark, hoping for a reprisal that will never come. It`s time to get up and move toward the next act, the one that stars YOU.
• Toni Sorenson

52. The happiest people are the one who have mastered life’s hardest lesson. They’ve learned how to let go,
• Romina Russell

53. Flowers teach us that nothing is permanent: not their beauty, not even the fact that they will inevitably wilt, because they will still give new seeds.
Remember this when you feel joy, pain, or sadness.
Everything passes, grows old, dies, and is reborn.
• Paulo Coelho

54. If it doesn’t agree with your spirit let it go.
• Germany Kent

55. The grace is not about forgetting, but knowing you can start anew.
• Ana Tejano

56. You stop revisiting memories when you outgrow the people you made them with.
• Nikki Rowe

57. Don’t try to worry about the things that could’ve happen. Just wonder about the things that can still happen and fight for them. Because anything worth fighting for will happen in time.
• Imania Margria

58. Kiss away the past as you head towards the future.
• Imania Margria

59. If you are busy focusing on the falling bricks, you will never realize that they are truly stepping stones you need to cross over to the next phase of your life.
• Kemi Sogunle

60. “Holding on is believing that there`s a past; letting go is knowing that there`s a future.”
• Daphne Rose Kingma

61. “The art is not one of forgetting but letting go.”
• Rebecca Solnit

62. “The best skill at cards is knowing when to discard.”
• Baltasar Gracin

63. “No matter how bad you want a person, if your hearts are in two different places, you`ll have to pass and move on.”
”Alexandra Elle

64. “It is by giving the freedom to the other, that is by letting go, we gain our own freedom back.”
• Aleksandra Ninkovic

65. “If love becomes too painful, then it`s time to let that love go and save yourself. You have to keep this in mind because you`ll be able to find another love but not another self.”
• Robert Tew

66. “You really don`t have to burn any bridges to let go¦ You don`t have to destroy anything. You can just decide to cross over and move on.”
• Marta Mrotek

67. “Letting go may sound so simple, but rarely is it a one-time thing. Just keep letting go, until one day it`s gone for good.”
”Eleanor Brownn

68. You can’t move things by not moving.
• Suzy Kassem

69. Moving is not about forgetting. It’s about moving forward and never looking back.
• Imania Margria

70. “Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.”
”Hermann Hesse

71. “If you want to fly on the sky, you need to leave the earth. If you want to move forward, you need to let go the past that drags you down.”
”Amit Ray

72. “The person who doesn`t value you is blocking you from the one who will. Let them go.”
”Robert Tew

73. Moving on is not about forgetting the past; it`s about learning from it. Find the message in the mess¦Cry. Forgive. Learn. That`s moving on.
• Steve Maraboli

74. Maybe forgiveness means you stop keeping tabs on those people. Wounds can’t heal if you keep touching them.
• Joyce Rachelle

75. “It`s hard to be clear about who you are when you are carrying around a bunch of baggage from the past. I`ve learned to let go and move more quickly into the next place.”
• ”Angelina Jolie

76. Don’t cry over spilt milk when you can milk another cow.
• Matshona Dhliwayo

77. There is something so special in the early leaves drifting from the trees – as if we are all to be allowed a chance to peel, to refresh, to start again.
• Ruth Ahmed

78. The most liberating moment, is the moment you finally let go.
• Ava Harrison

79. You are hatching from the past.
• Simon Van Booy

80. “I think that you never fall out of love with somebody, you just let go and move on.”
”Ashley Rickards

81. Kill the part of you that believes it can’t survive without someone else.
• Sade Andria Zabala

82. Moving on will show you a lot about who you are, what you truly want, & what you have no desire to waste your time on.
• April Mae Monterrosa

83. I know it’s not the end…it’s only just the beginning.
• Lisa Schroeder

84.The whole point in moving forward is to leave things behind. Once you look back, you stop moving forward. Understanding this makes you move on easier.

• Innocent Mwatsikesimbe

85. “I demolish my bridges behind me¦then there is no choice but to move forward.”
”Fridtjof Nansen

86. Moving on is not forgetting – moving on is being able to remember without feeling awful about it.
• Sam Madison

87. The person who doesn’t value you is blocking you from the one who will. Let them go.
• Robert Tew

88. Don’t waste today by talking about yesterday until it’s finally tomorrow.
• Tim Fargo

89. Sometimes moving forward changes what’s behind you.
• Kami Garcia

90. “There`s an important difference between giving up and letting go.”
“Jessica Hatchigan

91. Sometimes it’s better to end something & try to start something new than imprison yourself in hoping for the impossible.
• Karen Salmansohn

92. When you get your heart broken, other people can help you pick the pieces up, but only you can glue the pieces back together.
• Sam Madison

93. When one door shuts… sometimes it’s best to leave it shut, and move on…
• Scott Joffe

94. Some people are going to leave, but that’s not the end of your story. That’s the end of their part in your story.
• Faraaz Kazi

95. “Pain will leave you, when you let go.”
”Jeremy Aldana

96. Time & distance does wonders for healing & rejuvenating your soul.
• April Mae Monterrosa

97. The bottom line is this; when one person stops being a part of your life, another one will come, and fill that empty space. Leave the ones who left in the past, right where they belong, and never look back.
• Ena Snow

98. Real love sometimes means saying goodbye.
• Bryant McGill

99. You know you’re in a good place when you no longer are interested in looking back. You prefer to enjoy the journey.
• Karen Salmansohn

100. “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.”
“Lao Tzu

Live, Laugh, Love
100 Quotes To Help You Move On After Your Relationship Ends
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