5 Old-School Skin-Care Tips From Your Mother That You Should Probably Ignore

While we’d trust our mothers and grandmothers on just about anything, sometimes even the most trusted advisors can be mistaken, including on hair, makeup, and skin-care. Here are 5 skin-care tips your mother taught you that are wrong.

5 Old-School Skin-Care Tips From Your Mother That You Should Probably Ignore

How we treat our skin has come a long way. What was once a routine that consisted of perhaps two products, one of which was Pond’s Cream or Vaseline, can now be as complicated as a 10-step process of products applied in a very particular order. Overall, it’s for the better. Sunscreen is finally treated as importantly as it deserves, and we’ve retired some of the outdated skin-care tips we grew up learning from family and friends. While we’d trust our mothers and grandmothers on just about anything, sometimes even the most trusted advisors can be mistaken, including on hairmakeup, and skin-care.

Here are 5 skin-care tips your mother probably taught you that are actually wrong.

Only Focusing On Your Face

For a long time, the most ignored rule of skin-care is that it should not only be applied to your face. In fact, your hands and neck are the first places to reflect many skin issues, such as dehydration, texture, age spots, and wrinkles. Beyond moisturizing, you can also apply your retinol to these areas, and never forget to put sunscreen on your hands and neck. You’ll thank yourself later!

Putting Vaseline Everywhere

While we can still agree that there are some wonder products out there that you can slather from head to toe with wild abandon—such as your mother’s beloved Pond’s Cream—petroleum jelly is not to be included. While Vaseline can be great for locking in moisture on dry areas like your lips, hands, and feet—as well as for so many surprising uses in the home—it is not ideal for all skin types. It is very comedogenic, which means it can clog pores and create blemishes or texture as a result. Leave hydration to a trusty moisturizer meant for your face.

Using Only Powder Products

It’s hard to believe there was a time when powder was the makeup of choice, no matter if you were watching your grandmother apply blush, brow tint, or foundation—all with an additional layer of setting powder. While not technically skin-care products, they make it hard for your skin to recover, especially if you deal with dryness. Set yourself up for success by incorporating liquid products into your routine, in order for your skin to be healthy and hydrated when your makeup comes off and skin-care goes on.

Washing Your Face With Bar Soap

Put that body soap down, because it’s not doing your skin any favors. The typical bar soap that you’d purchase for your shower can often contain ingredients that might strip your face of natural oils, which simultaneously makes your skin dry yet drives it to over-produce oil in response. Back in the day, it might have been used as an all-purpose product, but it’s best to use a proper face cleanser over bar soap. Unless, of course, we’re talking about Jackie Kennedy’s beloved face-cleansing bar by Erno Laszlo.

Avoiding Face Oils, But Using Suntan Oils

Gone are the outdated days of sizzling in the sun without SPF and lathered up in baby oil—and thank goodness for that. Let’s chalk it up to not knowing how much harm it could do to your skin and make sure not bring it into the next generation. However, the myth that you shouldn’t use face oil if you have oily skin isn’t actually true. Most skin types can benefit from face oils, which can nourish skin and lock in moisture that we naturally lose as we get older.

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5 Old-School Skin-Care Tips From Your Mother That You Should Probably Ignore
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