5 Signals That Can Tell You There Is Something Wrong With Your Kidneys – Don’t Ignore Them!

5 Signals That Can Tell You There Is Something Wrong With Your Kidneys – Don’t Ignore Them!

Pay attention to these 5 symptoms as they might be of vital importance

Our kidneys are an extremely important part of our body. Healthy, functioning kidneys remove toxins from your blood, but they do a lot more than that. They also regulate your blood pressure and produce hormones that make sure you have enough red blood cells and strong bones.

It’s very important to be aware of the signals that might tell you there is something wrong with your kidneys.

Kidney diseases

Your kidneys detoxify your body, so when there’s something wrong with them, this influences your entire body. Unfortunately, kidney diseases are very common and oftentimes they are only discovered at a late stage. You often don’t start to experience pain or discomfort until the kidneys have already suffered a lot of damage and then it’s already too late. That’s why it’s important to recognise the signals your body gives off before there’s any real kidney damage to speak of. That way, you catch it before big problems like kidney failure or severe kidney damage come up.

We’ve put together a list of five signals you should be aware of that can tell you there might be something wrong with your kidneys.


Properly functioning kidneys make sure your body keeps ‘running’. Kidney problems can bring very big health risks with it, so stay alert! The following signals can indicate there might be something wrong with your kidneys:

  1. Changes in your urine: Always keep a good eye on your urine because it can tell you more about your health than you might think. The most common and early symptoms of kidney problems are foamy urine, dark urine, having to pee during the night more often, a change in frequency and amount of urine or a pressing sensation when you’re peeing.
  2. Fatigue: Healthy kidneys make sure you have a proper amount of red blood cells, and these in turn make sure there’s enough oxygen in your blood. That’s why fatigue can be an indication of kidney problems, as there is an oxygen deficiency in this case.
  3. Shortness of breath: This is often associated with kidney problems as well, also because of the oxygen deficiency caused by the fact there are too few red blood cells.
  4. Skin problems: Kidneys detoxify your blood, so when this isn’t done right, toxins start to accumulate. This can lead to rashes and itchiness.
  5. Bad breath: This also has to do with the accumulation of toxins in your blood.

Disclaimer: this information is not an alternative to professional medical advice. In case of doubt, please contact your doctor.

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5 Signals That Can Tell You There Is Something Wrong With Your Kidneys – Don’t Ignore Them!
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