6 Tips For Empaths To Protect Themselves From Narcissists

6 Tips For Empaths To Protect Themselves From Narcissists

Narcissists often target empaths because they view them as an easy source of emotional support. Empaths, driven by their compassion, possess the ability to deeply understand and connect with the emotions of others. They often find themselves in the role of a rescuer, feeling the need to help those in need. However, empaths become susceptible to the manipulations of narcissists when they attempt to save them from their destructive behavior.

However, in many cases, no amount of care and patience from an empath will lead to changes in a narcissist’s behavior. This leaves empaths trapped in a toxic relationship that can ultimately be detrimental to their well-being. Escaping from a narcissist is a challenging endeavor, but there are various ways to safeguard oneself while planning an exit strategy.

1. Withdraw Your Emotional Supply

The best way to repel a narcissist is to stop giving them the emotional attention they crave. Narcissists only stay in relationships because of what they can gain from it. But once you cut off their supply, they become frustrated and move on. Narcissistic supply is like a drug to them, and they can’t function without it. It may be challenging for you to hold back from complimenting and catering to their needs, as it goes against your nature. However, it is a necessary strategy to protect your peace as an empath.

Narcissists thrive on praise and desire to be showered with compliments and admiration. Deep down, they are insecure and have very low self-esteem. If they don’t receive the admiration they seek, they are forced to face the reality that they may not be as grandiose as they believe. When you stop feeding their ego, they will quickly seek someone else who will.

2. Set Clear Boundaries

Narcissists have a complete disregard for boundaries. Once you establish them, they will deliberately cross them. They do this to provoke a reaction from you, as it reassures them that they are still in control. However, as an empath, it is crucial for you to continue setting boundaries in order to protect yourself.

When it comes to setting boundaries, there’s no need to confront the person with a long list of rules and regulations. Doing so will only lead to arguments, which is not your desired outcome. Instead, wait until your partner violates a boundary and then address it. Clearly communicate not only the boundary they have crossed but also the consequences if it happens again.

3. Avoid Confrontation

Empaths tend to dislike confrontation, whereas narcissists thrive on it. This is just one of the many ways in which empaths and narcissists are complete opposites. Moreover, narcissists are far from being unintelligent, so if you suddenly switch into self-defense mode, your partner will definitely notice the change in your behavior. By refusing to be a pushover, the narcissist will view it as a major insult and will retaliate with a vengeance.

When dealing with a narcissistic partner, you can expect them to bring up any past mistakes they believe you’ve made. Alternatively, they might accuse you of being selfish and only caring about your own needs. As always, their goal is to provoke an emotional reaction from you. However, don’t take the bait because the moment you do, they regain control of the situation.

4. Be Aware Of Their Tactics

Narcissists possess a wide range of psychological strategies to manipulate those around them. One such tactic involves feigning sympathy in order to gain admiration from others. However, they also employ more complex methods of bullying and mistreating their victims. Their preferred techniques include gaslighting and habitual lying. For instance, they may fabricate stories, exaggerate their achievements, and manipulate the truth to suit their own agenda. Furthermore, narcissists gain control and power over their victims by undermining their perception of reality.

When dealing with a narcissist, it is crucial to hold onto your own truth and trust your instincts. Gaslighting can make you doubt yourself, but by staying grounded in your own reality, you can resist their manipulations. It is important to seek support from trusted friends or professionals who can validate your experiences and help you maintain your sense of self.

5. Document Instances Of Abuse

If you are considering divorcing a narcissistic spouse, keep in mind that they will go to great lengths to inflict suffering upon you for leaving them. One of their preferred methods of seeking revenge is by depriving their “enemy” of the most valuable thing. The extent to which they will go depends on their level of creativity.

If you have children, be prepared for the possibility of your narcissistic ex using custody battles and child support as a means of revenge. So, what should you do if they threaten to take away your kids? Firstly, do not underestimate the seriousness of the situation and seek legal assistance. Secondly, ensure that you document every conversation, email, and text message as evidence to present in court.

6. Distance Yourself

If you find yourself in a relationship with a narcissist or have recently ended one, it’s crucial to find a way to cut off all communication with them. It’s important to remove yourself from the presence of a narcissist as soon as possible, especially if they are already mistreating you. They are unlikely to change their behavior and treat you better. Once you become their target, they will hold on tightly and refuse to let go.

If you’re married to a narcissist and fear leaving due to potential revenge, try using a clever strategy. For instance, in order to free yourself from a narcissistic husband, you can make yourself less appealing to him in terms of personal gain (such as finances or physical appearance). Encourage his tendency to compare and make him believe that he deserves someone more attractive and successful than you. However, be careful not to let him catch on to your intentions, as this is your best opportunity to escape any narcissistic retaliation.

Final Thoughts

Empaths always seem to attract narcissists, whether it’s friends, family, or partners. As an empath, the key is to educate yourself about narcissism, as it becomes easier to identify them once you understand their dominant traits. Now that you have obtained this knowledge, focus on keeping the narcissists you already have in your life at bay and avoid inviting any more in.

Live, Laugh, Love
6 Tips For Empaths To Protect Themselves From Narcissists
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