7 Brilliant Tricks To Apply Mascara Perfectly

7 Brilliant Tricks To Apply Mascara Perfectly

Applying mascara can be a tricky thing

Mascara is the most popular makeup item in the world. It gives you beautifully framed eyes and never-ending eyelashes. However, applying this black substance can be tricky. You obviously don’t want eyelashes that stick together or lumps in your lashes. You want voluminous and beautifully spread eyelashes. How do you accomplish this? With these seven trips.

A tempting glance is literally the eye catcher of every woman.

1. Tips first

Apply your mascara from halfway down your eyelashes to the tip first and let it dry before you apply the mascara to the rest of your eyelashes. Why? When you apply too much mascara at the root of the eyelashes, the eyelashes get heavy and then you can’t lift the tips any more.

2. Bend the brush

A golden rule for applying mascara in the little corners of your eyelashes is bending the brush in a 45-degree angle. There is a reason the brush is made of wire!

3. Twist the brush going upwards

A trick to get all the hairs in your eyelashes covered in mascara is to twist the brush vertically over and under your lashes. Your eyelashes will get a boost in volume when you do this.

4. Zigzag

Another handy trick to get mascara on all the hairs and spread them evenly at the same time is a zigzag movement. As you move the brush towards the tip of your eyelashes, do so with a zigzag movement. When the first layer is dry, apply a second layer at the base of your eyelashes for a little extra volume.

Are you curious about more tips to apply mascara perfectly? Read about three more tips on the next page.

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7 Brilliant Tricks To Apply Mascara Perfectly
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