Are You Suffering From Back Pain? These 4 Things Can Help You

Are You Suffering From Back Pain? These 4 Things Can Help You

This is how you get rid of that pain in your back

Back pain is no longer just an ailment that older people suffer from as a lot more young people are starting to get back pain as well. According to the health institution Sciensano, about ten percent of young people goes to their GP for back pain specifically. Amongst adults, this percentage is even higher as a quarter of them experience back pain. It is a serious problem! Luckily there are a few things you can do yourself to avoid getting a painful back.

Keep these four things in mind if you want to prevent back pain.

Back pain

How is it possible that there are more and more people walking around with back pain nowadays? According to the physiotherapist association UKB it is because of our current lifestyle. They state that we move less and we are more often overweight. Additionally, teenagers tend to play videogames rather than exercising. One of the most effective ways to combat back pain is moving more often. Moving is essential! Take, for example, a walk in the woods to or take the stairs instead of the lift.

Apart from that, there are four other things that can help you:

1. Posture

The correct posture when sitting down is something called the ‘open angle’: your upper legs need to be lower than your seat and pointed downwards. This makes the angle between your upper body and your upper legs bigger than 90 degrees. That way, your pelvis stays in the correct position and your spine keeps its natural curve. This posture does not put any of your organs under pressure and it enables abdominal breathing. It is important to remember that even when you’re sitting down, your feet need to be firmly on the ground.

2. Lifting correctly

A lot of back pain is caused by incorrectly bending down, pushing, lifting or pulling when bending down. Do you have to lift something heavy? Follow these rules to prevent back pain:

  • Make sure that your position is stable.
  • Bring the object you have to lift as close to your body as possible and keep a straight back. Tilt your pelvis, tense your abs and hold your breath when you lift.
  • Lift from your legs. Bend your knees, grab the object and straighten your legs while lifting. Keep the weight pressed against you body the whole time.
  • Avoid lifting and turning at the same time. Do you have to turn anyway? Don’t turn with your upper body alone but turn your whole body by taking little steps to turn around.

3. The way you lie down

You sleep best on your back. That way, the weight of your body is divided over an area that is as big as possible. Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended as your neck makes too sharp a twist and your back arches too much in this position. Apart from that, people who sleep on their stomach tend to sleep longer in the same position while it is better for your back when you move a lot in your sleep. Sleeping on your sides is also okay as long as you make sure that you have a supporting pillow to sleep on. Draw your knees up a bit and rest your lower arm in front of your chest.

4. Standing strong?

When you do jobs around the house that involve standing, such as ironing or cooking, it could happen that you have to bend your back at times. Therefore try, if possible, to set up your ironing board or countertops in such a way that you can prevent bending your back. The ideal height for a countertop is ten to fifteen centimetres under your elbows when you’re standing up. Do you have to bend down to reach the bathroom sink? Put one foot back, keep your leg stretched out and lean on the sink with one hand. Make sure that when you’re brushing your teeth, you stand up straight. Additionally, rinse your mouth with water in a cup instead of drinking it straight from the tap.

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Are You Suffering From Back Pain? These 4 Things Can Help You
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