Clogged Drain? With These Two Ingredients You Can Easily Unclog It

Clogged Drain? With These Two Ingredients You Can Easily Unclog It

Unclogging a clogged drain has never been this easy

Every drain gets clogged at some point; it seems inevitable. The drain in the kitchen sink is especially liable to clogging since food scraps get flushed down it on a regular basis. Want to fix your clogged drain quick, easy and without having to call a plumber? Then you should try this handy trick!

No need for a plumber or expensive drain cleaners to fix your clogged drain!

Two ingredients

Unclogging a drain doesn’t have to be difficult at all. You only need to mix two ingredients together and you probably already have both of these sitting in your kitchen cabinets. With these ingredients, you can fix any clogged drain. All you need for this trick is some baking soda and the juice of half a lemon. Sprinkle about four tablespoons of baking soda into the drain and squeeze out the lemon above it.


Leave this mixture to sit and do its thing for about an hour and then properly flush it down with lukewarm water. You’ll notice that all of the filth has disappeared from the drain and the pipes and that the water will flush much more easily. Have you tried this trick multiple times and it still hasn’t worked? Then it’s time to call a plumber after all, otherwise, you might damage the pipes because you’ve applied too much force. Although this trick doesn’t require that much physical force, your clogged drain might need just that if it’s too far gone. If that’s the case, it’s better to call in a professional so they can determine the cause of the clogged drain as well as the best solution.

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Clogged Drain? With These Two Ingredients You Can Easily Unclog It
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