Do You Want To Reduce Your Double Chin? Try These Simple Exercises

During the commercial breaks

When you’re watching TV and it’s time for the commercial breaks, you might as well do some chin exercises instead of waiting around for your show to start again. Lie down flat on your sofa and let your head dangle over the edge (if your sofa doesn’t allow you to do this you can do these exercises on your bed). Now, pull your head up to your chest. Keep it there for a few seconds and then slowly move your head back to hang off the edge again. Repeat this five times. If this exercise is a little too heavy for you, you can also place your hand on the back of your neck for a little more support.

More exercises

  • Chin lift: Have you got a moment to yourself? Then you can try the chin lift. For this exercise, you keep your chin facing towards the ceiling. After a few seconds, you should notice the muscles in your neck will start to pull. Remain in this position for about 10 seconds and then carefully put your head back in its normal position. Repeat this a few times.
  • Ceiling kiss: This is another exercise that doesn’t take a lot of time at all. Just like with the previous exercise, you turn your chin up to the ceiling, but now, when you’re in that position, you make exaggerated “kissing” movements. Repeat this 10 to 20 times.

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of specific results and each person’s results may vary.

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Do You Want To Reduce Your Double Chin? Try These Simple Exercises
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