Every Car Is Equipped With One, But Very Few People…

Every Car Is Equipped With One, But Very Few People...

A Few Tips To Keep Your Vehicle In Top Condition Over The Years

Proper maintenance of your vehicle is essential to prolong its life and ensure optimum performance. In this article, we’ll explore a series of practical tips aimed at keeping your car in top condition. From regular maintenance to careful driving habits, find out how to prevent premature wear and mechanical problems

Ice-free mirrors thanks to sandwich bags

Facing the winter commute to work can be tough, especially with ice on the mirrors. However, there’s an affordable and simple trick to avoid this buildup. If indoor parking isn’t an option, simply place loose plastic sandwich bags on the side mirrors. This will effectively prevent ice build-up. A practical solution to simplify your winter mornings and protect your vehicle effortlessly

Des Rétroviseurs Sans Glace Grâce À Des Sacs À Sandwichs
Ice-Free Mirrors With Sandwich Bags

De-misting your windscreen with cat litter and an old sock

Indoor condensation in winter can impede visibility by fogging up windows. One clever solution is to use cat litter, which is rich in moisture-absorbing silicate.

Désembuer Votre Pare Brise Grâce À De La Litière Pour Chat Et Une Vieille Chaussette
De-misting Your Windscreen With Cat Litter And An Old Sock

Fill socks with litter, tie them up and place them discreetly in the car. In this way, internal moisture is absorbed, preventing fogging and making winter driving safer and more comfortable.

Essential oils and pompons make your car smell good

Our vehicles accumulate unwanted odors over time, but instead of using toxic air fresheners, let’s opt for a personalized and healthy solution. With a wooden clothes peg, three pompons and your favorite essential oil, you can create a user-friendly air freshener.

Une Solution Pour Une Bonne Odeur Dans Votre Voiture Grâce À Des Huiles Essentielles Et Des Pompons
A Solution For A Good Smell In Your Car Thanks To Essential Oils And Pompons

Stick the pom-poms on the pin, add some essential oil, then attach it to the air vent. This way, you can say goodbye to unpleasant odors and protect your family’s health at the same time. Simply change the pompoms to vary the fragrance to suit your mood.

The solution for a like-new bumper with shoe polish

Your car’s bumper can lose its original black tint with time, sun and daily use. You can easily restore its color by applying shoe polish with a sponge.

La Solution Pour Un Pare Chocs Comme Neuf Grâce À Du Cirage Pour Chaussures
The Shoe Polish Solution for Bumper Protection

The amount of polish you use determines the intensity of the black you want. Apply the product to the bumper patiently and neatly, and in just a few hours your bumper will look like new again. A simple trick to revitalize your car’s appearance, preserving its original allure.

An odorless car thanks to a clean air filter

Bad smells can occur for a variety of reasons, often linked to the car’s air filter. These filters accumulate dirt and odors over time.

Une Voiture Sans Odeur Grâce À Un Filtre À Air Propre
A Smell-Free Car Thanks To A Clean Air Filter

The solution is to check whether the filters are removable, then replace them with new ones if necessary. Rather than cleaning them, buying fresh air filters is sometimes a better idea, especially if they are excessively dirty.

Avoid crayon wax stains with parchment paper

Keeping kids occupied in the car with crayons and a coloring pad is commonplace, but it can sometimes cause stubborn stains on seats, especially with Melton crayons.

Éviter Les Tâches De Cire Des Crayons De Couleur Grâce À Du Papier Sulfurisé
Avoid Wax Stains From Colored Crayons With Sulfurized Paper

An effective remedy is to place a piece of wax paper over the stain and run a hot iron over it. This lifts the wax, making it easier to clean later with a product suitable for upholstery. In this way, you can keep your car clean, while allowing children to play safely.

Solving battery problems with a Coca-Cola bottle

Over time, battery terminals accumulate grease and dust, potentially hindering engine operation. A surprisingly simple solution to this problem is to use Coca-Cola.

Régler Les Problèmes De Batterie Grâce À Une Bouteille De Coca Cola
Fix Battery Problems With A Bottle Of Coca Cola

This popular soda effectively eliminates terminal corrosion. Simply rinse a cloth with hot water and carefully apply the Coca-Cola. This method easily loosens debris, preventing future battery problems.

Stop losing your coins in the car with foam pool rollers

Whether on the move or parked, losing things under the seat of a car is a common occurrence. If the coins fall into the crevice between the seats and the center console, retrieving these items becomes difficult.

Ne Perdez Plus Vos Pièces De Monnaie Dans La Voiture Grâce À Des Rouleaux De Piscine En Mousse
Don’t Lose Your Coins In The Car With Foam Pool Rollers

Foam pool tubes offer a simple solution. Simply cut them to the length of the space concerned, insert them, and the problem is solved. Gone are the days of using sticks or hangers, this handy trick makes it easier to retrieve items from tight spaces in your car.

Keep your leather interiors clean with olive oil

Keeping your car’s leather seats in good condition may seem to require expensive products. However, an affordable alternative is to use olive oil for similar results.

Gardez Vos Intérieurs En Cuir Propres Grâce À De L’huile D’olive
Keep Your Leather Interiors Clean With Olive Oil

After cleaning the seats with warm soapy water, apply a small amount of olive oil to prevent drying out and cracking. For existing cracks, a more generous application of oil, left on for three quarters of an hour, can reduce the appearance of deep cracks. While this won’t solve the problem entirely, this affordable trick can improve the appearance of leather seats.

The return of the Coke bottle to remove rust stains on bodywork

For this final trick, go back to your fridge and use the leftover flat Coca-Cola bottle to remove rust stains from the body of an old car.

Le Retour De La Bouteille De Coca Pour Retirer Les Tâches De Rouille Sur La Carrosserie
The Return Of The Coke Bottle To Remove Rust Stains On The Body

Apply the soda to the rusty area, leave it on briefly, then wipe off with a cloth to see remarkable improvements in just thirty seconds. It’s important to note that although Coca-Cola is effective for rust stains, its use is not recommended on regular car paintwork, as it can damage the lacquer.

Vaseline: A car owner’s best friend for a shiny interior

Vaseline, often associated with skin care, also proves effective for a spotless dashboard. Compared to specialized products, it offers similar results, according to the experts.

La Vaseline Le Meilleur Ami D’un Propriétaire De Voiture Pour Faire Briller Son Intérieur
Vaseline A Car Owner’s Best Friend For A Shiny Interior

To apply this tip, start by cleaning the dashboard with water and a cleaning solution. Once dry, apply a small amount of Vaseline to a clean cloth and wipe the dashboard again. This simple method will keep your dashboard looking its best, preserving its well-groomed appearance.

Say goodbye to imperfections on your car’s bodywork with nail polish and toothpaste

For minor bodywork scratches, the solution can be found in the pantry or bathroom, avoiding long and tedious insurance calls. For example, nail polish can fill in persistent scratches.

Dites Adieu Aux Imperfections Sur La Carrosserie De Votre Voiture Grâce À Du Vernis À Ongle Et Du Dentifrice
Say Goodbye To Blemishes On Your Car Body With Nail Polish And Toothpaste

Items such as shoe polish, toothpaste, candle wax, glue (or super glue) and nail varnish can come in handy. Toothpaste, with its abrasive elements, is another option: clean the area to be polished and rub in circular motions with a soft cloth to remove small scratches.

Effortlessly demisting your car with supermarket potatoes

A simple trick uses a common kitchen product: potatoes. The starch in the potato will prevent water from condensing, thus solving future defrosting problems.

Désembuer Votre Voiture Sans Effort Grâce À Des Pommes De Terre De Supermarché
Effortlessly De-Mist Your Car With Supermarket Potatoes

If your car has defrosting problems and the window defogging function isn’t enough, take a raw potato and meticulously rub the skinless side over the glass. No need to make a detour for extra supplies; this handy solution uses what you already have on hand.

Clean your car’s carpets with the same stain removers you use for your laundry

Remembering how clean your carpets were when you bought them is nostalgic, but keeping them that way is a challenge. Shaking or deep-cleaning isn’t always enough. Afterwards, leave to dry in the sun to avoid dampness.

Nettoyer Les Tapis De Votre Voiture Grâce Aux Mêmes Produits Détachants Que Pour Votre Linge
Clean Your Carpets With The Same Stain Remover Products As For Your Laundry

An effective trick is to spray the carpets with a homemade stain remover, then machine wash them with your usual detergent. This simple, economical method will make your carpets look as good as new.

Clean every last corner of your car with ordinary cotton buds

Some aspects of car cleaning don’t require immediate attention, until dust accumulates in the corners, details becoming apparent long after the purchase.

Nettoyer Jusqu’au Dernier Recoin De Votre Voiture Grâce À Des Cotons Tiges Ordinaires
Clean Every Last Corner Of Your Car With Ordinary Cotton Swabs

For example, dust around the mark on the steering wheel can become a nuisance. For detailed, near-factory cleaning, the cotton buds available in almost every bathroom can be used. They’re not just for cleaning ears, but can also be useful for detailed touch-ups on your car.

Clean every seemingly inaccessible corner of your car with “slime”

Small crevices in cars, such as dashboard corners, air conditioning slots and textured buttons, are often difficult to reach for cleaning.

Nettoyez Chaque Coin A Priopri Inaccessible De Votre Véhicule Grâce À Du « Slime »
Clean Every A Priori Inaccessible Corner Of Your Vehicle With “Slime”

However, using a cleaning gel, similar to slime, makes it possible to reach these places and remove the dust accumulated over time. This trick is not only aesthetically pleasing; it also contributes to good health by ensuring clean air in the car.

No more frozen door handles with cooking oil spray

In cold weather, discovering that the car door handle is frozen when you wake up can be as frustrating as it is annoying. Pulling on an immobile handle while holding coffee is far from ideal.

Fini Les Poignées De Porte Bloquées Par Le Gel Grâce À De L’huile De Cuisson En Spray
No More Frozen Door Handles Thanks To Cooking Oil Spray

The solution lies in the kitchen this time, in the form of a cooking spray (any kind of oil) to be applied to the handle hinges. Thanks to this simple trick, those tedious winter morning moments can be avoided, allowing a quick and comfortable entry into the heated car.

Clean stubborn car body stains with the magic power of WD-40

Even a bug can cause problems if you don’t get it off your car quickly. The insect can cling on, becoming difficult to remove without damaging the paintwork.

Nettoyer Les Tâches Tenaces Sur La Carrosserie De Votre Voiture Grâce Au Pouvoir Magique Du WD 40

Clean Stubborn Stains From Your Car Body With The Magic Power Of WD 40

WD-40, an oily substance, is effective at removing even stubborn insects, without requiring much effort. Follow the instructions on the aerosol can, leave to dry for around 10 minutes, then remove the WD-40 to see the insects come right off.

Make your headlights shine like new with toothpaste

Car headlights are exposed to the elements on a daily basis, gradually yellowing and reducing their brightness. However, in less than 30 minutes, this problem can be solved with a cloth, water, soap and whitening toothpaste.

Faites Briller Vos Phares Comme Au Premier Jour Grâce À Du Dentifrice
Make Your Headlights Shine Like On The First Day With Toothpaste

Start by washing the headlights with soap and water, then apply a thin layer of whitening toothpaste. After five minutes drying time, clean the area with a slightly damp cloth in circular movements.

Purify the air you breathe in your car with this button unknown to most of us

On our dashboards, a little-known button – the recirculation button – has a direct influence on the quality of the air we breathe. Often overlooked, it determines whether the car takes in outside air or recycles the air already present inside.

Purifier L’air Que Vous Respirez Dans Votre Voiture Grâce À Ce Bouton Inconnu De La Plupart D’entre Nous
Purify The Air You Breathe In Your Car With This Button Unknown To Most

If there’s a traffic jam, activating this button makes the car airtight, preventing polluted outside air from entering. As well as being beneficial to health, this trick also saves fuel, as the air-conditioning and compressor work less to maintain temperature.

No more dents on the car body with a suction cup and boiling water

Worried about dents in your car’s body? Lending your car can sometimes make it fall victim to unwanted marks. A simple solution uses everyday household items: an ordinary suction cup and hot water.

En Finir Avec Les Bosses Sur La Carrosserie De Voiture Grâce À Une Ventouse Et De L’eau Bouillante
Boiling Water and a Suction Cup to Get Rid of Car Body Dents

By spraying the suction cup and dent with hot water, then applying gradual pressure, the dent will miraculously disappear. If the bodywork isn’t badly damaged, the dent should fade immediately, offering at least a less prominent appearance.

Make your own car air freshener with scented candle wax

We all have a glass jar that originally contained a food or household product. This tip turns that container into a car air freshener. Drill a few holes in the lid, then add scented candle wax to the bottom of the jar.

Faire Votre Propre Désodorisant De Voiture Grâce À De La Cire De Bougie Parfumée
Make Your Own Car Air Freshener With Scented Candle Wax

As the car warms up, the wax melts, releasing a pleasant fragrance throughout the interior. A clever use for an often neglected item, offering an economical and ecological alternative to conventional air fresheners.

Stay safe with efficient wipers thanks to ethyl alcohol

Imagine driving in pouring rain – your windshield wipers, which are supposed to improve visibility, only complicate matters. Windshield wiper failure can be dangerous, or at least stressful.

Restez En Sécurité Avec Des Essuie Glaces Efficaces Grâce À De L’alcool Éthylique
Stay Safe With Ethyl Alcohol Wipers

Instead of replacing them, a simple solution uses ethyl alcohol, commonly available at home. By rubbing the wipers with alcohol, accumulated dirt is removed, restoring their efficiency and durability. This trick not only ensures safety, but also peace of mind for your next rainy drive.

Avoid scratches and snags on your car’s side doors with pool foam French fries

A useful tip for where you park your car, particularly beneficial for those with limited space in a garage or next to a wall. Get two pool noodles and fix them to the garage wall, close to the car parking space.

Éviter Les Rayures Et Autres Accrocs Sur Les Portes Latérales De Votre Voiture Grâce À Des Frites En Mousse De Piscine
Avoid Scratches And Other Dents On Your Car’s Side Doors With Pool Foam Fries

This solution prevents potential scratches or dents when the doors are opened vigorously, preventing costly damage to the paintwork. Pool Noodles act as a protective barrier, safeguarding your doors from careless mishaps, whether caused by careless visitors or by you in case of distraction.

Mayonnaise to the rescue for scrub-free removal of tar marks from car bodywork

Mayonnaise, often used as an accompaniment, can also be an ally in removing tar stains from your car’s bodywork. Leave for five minutes to maximize its effect, then wipe the area clean with a clean cloth.

La Mayonnaise À La Rescousse Pour Éliminer Sans Frotter Les Traces De Goudron Sur La Carrosserie De La Voiture
Mayonnaise Rescues Car Body Tar Stains Without Rubbing

Apply a small amount of mayonnaise to a cloth, rub the affected area, and continue until the mayonnaise is evenly spread. This simple trick effectively removes annoying tar stains, giving your car a spotless appearance.

Vacuum every nook and cranny of the car with the cardboard tube of the paper towel roll

When buying expensive vacuum cleaner accessories isn’t an option, a practical and economical solution is at hand. This enables you to reach the sides of seats, air vents and any nooks and crannies requiring thorough cleaning.

Aspirer Les Moindres Recoins De La Voiture Grâce Au Tube En Carton Du Rouleau De Sopalin
Vacuuming the smallest nooks and crannies of the car with the cardboard tube of a paper towel roll

Using a simple cardboard tube, which you attach to the end of the vacuum cleaner by gluing or taping, you create an improvised nozzle. An ingenious trick that offers an affordable alternative to specialized vacuum cleaner attachments.

Plugging a leak in the engine compartment with chewing gum

To temporarily stop a leak in your car’s engine compartment, chew mint or gum and apply it to the hole where the leak originated.

Colmater Une Fuite Dans Le Compartiment Moteur Grâce À Du Chewing Gum
Plugging An Engine Compartment Leak With Chewing Gum

This trick offers temporary respite, allowing you to drive until a professional repair can be carried out by a mechanic. It’s important to stress that this is a short-term solution, and permanent resolution of the problem requires professional intervention to ensure everyone’s safety and the health of the engine.

Use socks to protect your windscreen wipers from the elements when the car is parked

You can give new life to those lonely socks by using them for two handy tricks. Firstly, to minimize condensation, place them over the car’s windscreen wipers. An ingenious use for these mismatched socks!

Utilisez Des Chaussettes Pour Protéger Vos Essuie Glaces Des Intempéries Lorsque La Voiture Est Stationnée
Use Socks To Protect Your Wipers From The Weather When The Car Is Parked

Secondly, cover the wipers with the socks during cold spells to prevent them sticking to the windscreen. Be sure to keep the wipers in an upright position when applying the socks to avoid damage or excessive stress on the structure.

Make a cheap hands-free kit with a simple elastic band and a pen

For more convenient GPS navigation in the car, a simple phone holder can be created with a rubber band and a pen. Tie the rubber band around the vent and use the pen to roll it up so that it protrudes from the bottom.

Fabriquer Un Kit Main Libre Pas Cher Grâce À Un Simple Élastique Et Un Stylo
Make A Cheap Hands Free Kit With A Simple Elastic And A Pen

This ingenious trick makes it easy to secure the phone by placing it in the top and bottom loops. This eliminates the need to have the phone on your lap, ensuring safer driving without using your hands to manipulate the phone.

WD-40 is back! But this time to remove sticky sticker residue from your bodywork

To remove unwanted stickers from your car, reuse the effective solution of WD-40. Spray WD-40 generously onto the stickers you wish to remove, leave to soak for a few minutes, then they’ll come off easily.

WD 40, Le Retour ! Mais Cette Fois Ci Pour Enlever Les Résidus Collants De Stickers Sur Votre Carrosserie
WD 40, The Return! But This Time To Remove Sticky Stickers From Your Body

This practical method allows you to remove stickers quickly and effectively without having to call in a professional.

Keep a roll of paper towels close at hand with an elastic tensioner

Paper towels are versatile cleaning items, ideal for a variety of tasks. By keeping them in your car, you’re prepared for all kinds of unexpected situations.

Garder Un Rouleau D’essuie Tout À Portée De Main Grâce À Un Tendeur Élastique
Keeping A Roll Of Paper Towels Within Reach Thanks To An Elastic Tensioner

To prevent paper towel rolls from getting lost in the trunk, place them strategically inside the lid with a small elastic cord. This way, you’ll always have easy access to the paper towels when you need them, whether for small spills or larger tasks.

Shine up your bodywork with supermarket conditioner

For an effective car wash without having to run to the supermarket, consider using your bathroom conditioner. On sunny days, add an appropriate amount of conditioner to your bucket of water before you start cleaning.

Faire Briller Sa Carrosserie Grâce À De L’après Shampoing De Supermarché
Make Your Car Shine With Supermarket Conditioner

Apply this solution to the bodywork to give it a shine while increasing its resistance to dust and water marks. Just make sure the conditioner contains lanolin or silicone, as these ingredients are essential for optimum results.

Deep clean your wiper blades with isopropyl alcohol

In summer, windscreen wipers may seem insignificant, but when it rains, they become crucial for visibility and safety. Make sure they’re working properly by cleaning them regularly with isopropyl alcohol.

Nettoyer En Profondeur Vos Balais D’essuie Glace Grâce À De L’alcool Isopropylique
Deep Cleaning Your Wiper Blades With Isopropyl Alcohol

This solution degreases the blades, guaranteeing optimum performance by removing even the smallest raindrops. So you’re ready to face downpours without compromising your visibility.

Coffee filters for streak-free dashboard cleaning

Coffee filters aren’t just part of our morning ritual; they can also be effective allies against dust. Simply apply a little olive oil to the filter and wipe over the surface. A simple trick for a spotless car!

Nettoyer Son Tableau De Bord Sans Laisser De Traces Grâce À Des Filtres À Café
Clean Your Dashboard Without Leaving Traces Thanks To Coffee Filters

Made from lint-free cloth, they capture dust without leaving a residue, making them ideal for cleaning your car’s dashboard. In no time at all, and with little effort, you’ll have a dust-free dashboard that’s brilliant to the touch.

Keep cup holders clean with cupcake liners

Cup holders, while practical, are prone to quick soiling from the liquids, food and waste they collect. These inexpensive liners prevent dirt build-up, offering an economical and easily replaceable solution.

Gardez Les Porte Gobelets Propres Grâce À Des Moules À Cupcakes
Keep Cup Holders Clean With Cupcake Molds

Avoid buying expensive accessories by using a simple trick: place sheets of greaseproof paper inside to easily capture debris. This will keep your car cleaner for longer, eliminating the hassle of cup holder maintenance.

Check the condition of your wheels with a penny

To assess tire wear, use the penny you find under the sofa cushions or in your trouser pocket. Testing the coin makes it easier to decide whether or not to buy new tires. If not, it’s time to replace them.

Vérifier L’état De Vos Roues Grâce À Une Pièce De Centimes
Check The Condition Of Your Wheels With A Penny

Insert a penny upside down, with the number one facing down, into the tread. If the tread reaches the number one, the tires are still usable.

De-ice your car door lock with hand sanitizing gel

It’s essential to cover windscreen wipers with socks to prevent them sticking to the windscreen in cold weather. Be sure to keep the wipers in a vertical position when fitting the socks, to avoid breakage or excessive stress.

Dégivrer La Serrure De Votre Porte De Voiture Grâce À Du Gel Désinfectant Pour Les Mains
De-ice Your Car Door Lock With Hand Sanitizing Gel

In addition to wipers and mirrors, door locks can also freeze in winter. Fortunately, with today’s abundance of hand sanitizers, you can solve this problem simply by using a high-alcohol gel, a common item in our bags, pockets or backpacks.

Get rid of stubborn grease with a clay pebble

Grease and dirt stains on your car can be stubborn, but one simple trick involves using a clay bar to remove them. Start by moistening the clay bar, then rubbing it over the desired stains.

Se Débarrasser De La Graisse La Plus Tenace Grâce À Un Galet D’argile
Get Rid Of The Most Stubborn Grease With A Clay Pebble

To finalize the process and provide a shine, dry and polish the treated areas with wax. This will not only remove stubborn stains, but also soften the paintwork, giving your car a gleaming, well-groomed appearance.

A mixture of bleach and detergent keeps wheels shining like new

Bleach, with its many uses, can also be used to bring your dull, dirty wheels back to life. Save money by avoiding expensive shop products. Apply this mixture to the wheels, leave for a few minutes, then rinse.

Des Roues Brillantes Comme Au Premier Jour Grâce À Un Mélange D’eau De Javel Et De Détergeant
Wheels Shine Like New Thanks To A Mixture Of Bleach And Detergent

To do this, mix a little detergent, probably already present in your home, with bleach, and dilute with hot water. Your wheels will quickly regain their original shine, while benefiting from an economical and effective solution.

Choose Reputable Service Stations When Purchasing Gasoline

When purchasing gas, inquire about the pump’s filtration system and the station’s policy on regular filter changes. If you receive vague or evasive responses, it’s advisable to seek out another gas station.

Choose Reputable Service Stations When Purchasing Gasoline
Choose Reputable Service Stations When Purchasing Gasoline

Some stations lack pump filters, increasing the risk of contaminated fuel. Additionally, certain stations may improperly mix alcohol and fuel, or even dilute their product with water. It’s crucial to find a trustworthy station and remain loyal to it.

If You Spot A Tanker, Refrain From Refueling

If you spot a gasoline tanker refilling the tanks at your nearby gas station, it’s advisable to return another day or visit an alternative station.

If You Spot A Tanker, Refrain From Refueling
If You Spot A Tanker, Refrain From Refueling

During the filling process, turbulence can disturb sediment in the station’s underground tanks. This sediment can potentially clog fuel filters and fuel injectors, leading to subpar performance and potentially requiring repairs.

Go Easy When You’re Stuck

When encountering mud or snow, avoid exacerbating the issue by causing damage to valuable components. While gently rocking the car to free it is acceptable, if it appears that you’re truly stuck, persisting is unwise.

Go Easy When You’re Stuck
Go Easy When You’re Stuck

Repeatedly shifting between forward and reverse, along with high-speed tire spinning, can generate excessive heat and lead to complications with transmissions, clutches, and differentials. It may prove more economical in the long term to summon a tow truck rather than risking substantial repair expenses later on. Carrying a traction aid, such as sand, gravel, or cat litter, in the trunk is a prudent precautionary measure.

Choose A Good Car Insurer

Occasionally, despite all precautions taken, disaster strikes in the form of an unforeseen accident.

Choose A Good Car Insurer
Choose A Good Car Insurer

Ensure your vehicle’s repair is executed to the highest standard by selecting an insurer that covers original manufacturer parts and guarantees authorized repairs. Additionally, acquaint yourself with these undisclosed car-buying insights your dealer won’t divulge.

Keep An Auto-log

To monitor your gas fill-ups and mileage, keep a pad and pencil in the glove compartment. If you observe a decline in gas mileage, make sure to inform your serviceman promptly.

Keep An Auto Log
Keep An Auto Log

It could serve as an early indicator of an underlying issue with your vehicle. Moreover, if you find yourself locked out, here’s a handy trick to unlock your car within 30 seconds, even without your keys.

Park In The Shade

While a garage is undoubtedly the optimal spot for parking your car, it’s not always available. To minimize interior damage caused by UV sunlight and heat, it’s advisable to park in the shade whenever possible. As an added bonus, you’ll be greeted by a cooler car on scorching hot days.

Park In The Shade
Park In The Shade

In the event that shade is scarce or parking under trees leads to unwanted bird droppings, using a car shade can effectively reduce the sun’s impact. Car shades come in two primary types: unfoldable ones placed on the front windshield and rear window, or pleated variants that can be attached to windshield posts (using adhesive), window frames (using Velcro), or even the windows themselves (using suction cups).

Clean Dash Gauges Carefully

To ensure the longevity and clarity of your dashboard’s clear plastic lenses, it’s recommended to utilize a soft damp cloth for gently wiping away any dust accumulation.

Clean Dash Gauges Carefully
Clean Dash Gauges Carefully

Applying excessive pressure during the cleaning process may result in unwanted scratches, which can subsequently hinder gauge readability under specific lighting conditions. By taking these precautions and maintaining the lenses’ pristine condition, you can optimize your driving experience.

Let Floor Mats Take Winter’s Beating

To safeguard your carpeting, employ floor mats. For optimal control of salt, slush, and mud during winter, opt for rubber waffle-style mats.

Let Floor Mats Take Winter’s Beating
Let Floor Mats Take Winter’s Beating

These mats remain secure, prevent water seepage, and can be easily cleaned. Additionally, carpet-style mats offer assistance. Shake, vacuum, or wash them as required, replacing them when worn out.

Blast Mats With the Hose

When it’s time to wash your car, take out the rubber or carpet floor mats and give them a thorough blast with the hose.

Blast Mats With The Hose
Blast Mats With The Hose

This will effectively remove any dirt particles that, if left to accumulate, could cause damage to your mats. Afterward, make sure to let the mats dry completely under the sun before putting them back in place.

Preserve Door And Window Seals

To maintain the optimal condition of your car’s door and window weatherstripping, it is recommended to apply a rubber protectant or silicone, such as Armor-All. Avoid using oil-based products like WD-40 as they can damage the rubber.

Preserve Door And Window Seals
Preserve Door And Window Seals

Regularly cleaning and treating the weatherstripping will also help prevent the door from sticking to the rubber seal during cold weather, which is a common cause of rubber damage. By the way, those black dots on car windows serve this purpose.

Live, Laugh, Love
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