Everyone should know about this subtle symptom of lung cancer

Everyone should know about this subtle symptom of lung cancer

Lung cancer is the most deadly form of cancer

Lung cancer claims thousands of lives every year; it’s the type of cancer with the highest mortality rate. Over 45,000 people are diagnosed with lung cancer in the United Kingdom every year and only 17% of these people are still alive five years after their diagnosis. Because the symptoms often only manifest themselves when the cancer has metastasised, many people get their diagnosis too late. Yet there is a subtle symptom that can warn you.

Subtle symptoms

Known symptoms of lung cancer are, among others, fatigue, weight loss, headaches and backaches. The patient can also start to experience pain in other parts of their body as well because the cancer spreads via the lymph nodes through the blood. By the time you discover these issues, it’s usually too late since the cancer has already affected the entire body too much. However, have you been experiencing a very persistent cough seemingly for no reason that won’t go away? Then you might want to visit your doctor.


Coughing is often the first symptom of lung cancer, but since everybody coughs sometimes and it often appears to be relatively innocent, a lot of people walk around with it for much too long. That’s understandable: oftentimes a cough is caused by a cold or bronchitis and it’s not unusual to keep on coughing for a while after your cold is already over. But if you’re having a stubborn tickling cough or another type of cough without having had a cold or bronchitis recently, it’s smart to visit your doctor.

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Everyone should know about this subtle symptom of lung cancer
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