Got A Stiff Neck? These 4 Solutions Might Help You Out

Got A Stiff Neck? These 4 Solutions Might Help You Out

In a lot of cases, you can make the symptoms disappear by yourself

Everyone has a stiff neck from time to time. Often, this is caused by bad posture while you’re sleeping or at work, or by a draft. In some cases, however, a stiff neck can be caused by a serious medical condition. For example, a stiff neck can be a symptom of meningitis or a hernia. Do you have persisting neck problems? Then you might want to contact a doctor. If the stiffness in your neck has a simple cause, you can often combat the symptoms by yourself. Here’s how you go about that.

In many instances, it’s quite straightforward to alleviate neck pain symptoms, providing a sense of relief amid discomfort. While neck pain can be disruptive, you’ll discover that relief is within reach with the right approach. By recognizing the potential for improvement, you can say goodbye to the neck pain while also improving your posture and therefore how people perceive you!

1. Exercises

When you wake up in the morning with a stiff neck, there are a couple of simple exercises that can make your muscles supple and flexible again. Nod your head up and down ten times while you keep looking straight ahead. Next, look over your shoulder left and then right and repeat this exercise ten times as well. Then, move your left ear to your left shoulder followed by your right ear to your right shoulder and do this ten times as well. These exercises will cause the muscles and joints in your neck to work together. Important: you shouldn’t force the movements. Stretch as far as you can but no further and do so in a slow tempo.

2. Change in temperature

You can also relieve the pain of a stiff neck by placing something very warm or very cold on your neck. This will reduce the inflammation and increase the blood flow to your brain which will cause the pain to be relieved more quickly. You can use a warm cherry pit pillow, for example, or a bag of ice. If you don’t have a lot of time, you can also choose to rub a little bit of tiger balm on your neck or apply a heat patch. The pain should fade away after about 20 minutes.

3. Anti-inflammatory drugs

Have you tried the tips above without much success? Then anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen, might help to reduce the pain. Do remember to use these painkillers in moderation and to not use them for too long a period.

4. Massage

If the pain persists, a good massage can provide a solution as well. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money, you can also massage your own neck by placing a tennis ball between your neck and a wall and move it up and down your neck and shoulders. Sports like yoga and pilates can also help to keep your muscles flexible. When you already have a stiff neck, some gentle yoga can help to relieve the pain but do make sure you don’t force yourself.

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Got A Stiff Neck? These 4 Solutions Might Help You Out
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