Ha! With This Trick You Can Still Read Deleted WhatsApp Messages

Ha! With This Trick You Can Still Read Deleted WhatsApp Messages

That way you can still find out what the other person said

Whether you use WhatsApp to send a shopping list to your mother, or have very interesting “date-related” conversations, WhatsApp is an app that we can no longer do without and that we can occasionally blunder heavily on. Send the message to the wrong person by accident after some drinks? Help! Fortunately, there is a delete button. But, unfortunately, we aren’t safe anywhere anymore, since a trick has been found on that too.

For all the curious people among us.

Delete button

Have you sent a wrong message? The delete button is your best friend. If someone uses this function with you, you will probably fall apart with curiosity. What was this deleted message about? Was it meant for me? And what did it say? No worries, the solution is there. You can easily retrieve and read the deleted WhatsApp messages.

How does it work

Android users can read the deleted messages via an app. The video below explains exactly how this works, so that you can read all accidentally sent messages as a true FBI agent. Do you use an iPhone? Then it is also possible, but via a considerable detour. Your phone backs up your WhatsApp messages as standard. Remove WhatsApp, reinstall it and choose the option to restore chats via the backup that was previously made. Here is the deleted message again!

Live, Laugh, Love
Ha! With This Trick You Can Still Read Deleted WhatsApp Messages
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