How Do You make A Fist? The Answer Says Something Important About You

How Do You make A Fist? The Answer Says Something Important About You

This is what your fist says about you

There are several reasons for making a fist. You either make one if you want to punch someone, if you want to pump your fist in joy or as part of your dancing moves. But did you know that the way you make a fist can be used as a way to reveal your personality?

Just like the shape of your feet, your lips or your fingers, the way you make a fist can shine some light on who you are as a person. Do you want to find out what your fist says about you? Make one now and compare it to the ones above.

1. The Open Heart Fist

If your thumb rests against your index finger when you make a fist, it means you are a very kind and giving person.

Unfortunately, it also means that you are someone people are able to take advantage of. This is a downside of your generosity and unselfishness.

When someone uses your personality against you, just use it as a learning opportunity and move on with your life. This should come pretty naturally to you, as you are a natural student and you love learning new things and exploring new places.

2. The Charmer Fist

Are you someone who protects their thumb by placing your fingers over it while clenching your fist? Then you are a very funny and charming person. People naturally gravitate towards you and love being around you.

You don’t let anything faze you and your zen-like attitude is one that nobody can disturb.

You have a lot of empathy and are able to feel for people and their situations. Just be careful not to let their problems bring you down.

You love the pretty things in life, but also see the beauty in everything around you. You seek harmony in these things.

3. The Creative Person Fist

If your thumb tends to cover several of your fingers when you make a fist, it means that you are a highly creative person.

You have a high self esteem, but you also suffer from a fear of failure.

People like you and are drawn towards you, allowing you to take greater risks in life. Just take that leap of faith, because it will pay off for you. People will still like you regardless.

You are an extrovert and are very outgoing. Your friends love you for your honesty and your intelligence.

Live, Laugh, Love
How Do You make A Fist? The Answer Says Something Important About You
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