How To Quickly Soften Butter Without Melting It

How To Quickly Soften Butter Without Melting It

It is actually really easy!

It has probably happened to all of us: you’re ready to start baking a delicious cake or some yummy cookies, and then the recipe says to use butter that has come to room temperature. And you just got yours out of the fridge. So you either have to wait for another hour or so, or you quit your baking endeavor altogether. Well, with this tip you’ll be able to quickly soften your butter and get to baking!


It all comes down to heat. Which is something you might’ve already expected. But if you heat it too much, your butter will completely melt and will turn into liquid butter. Which might not always work for all your recipes. So what can you do to heat your butter without melting it completely? It is actually really easy and all you need is a glass and some hot water.

The method

Australian YouTube-chef David Chilcott shared this trick on his YouTube-channel. You use a glass that you fill up with hot water. Let that sit for a minute or two, so the inside of the glass will get warm. Then, after removing the water from the glass, you put the glass over the butter. Upside down. Because the glass is warm, the air around the butter will heat up too and that causes the butter to soften. Without it turning into liquid! After about two minutes, your butter will be ready for baking and you can create the most delicious pastries.

So, if you forgot to take your butter out of the fridge, you know what to do. And it only takes a few minutes of your time. Easy as that!

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How To Quickly Soften Butter Without Melting It
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