Husband Receives Photo From His Wife, Then Immediately Wants a Divorce

Husband Receives Photo From His Wife, Then Immediately Wants a Divorce


Chloe had just snapped a beautiful photo of the Golden Gate Bridge. When she turned, she suddenly saw that John was on his knees in front of her. She let out a scream and bystanders started clapping. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she cried out, “Of course I want to marry you!”.

The months after that flew by. So much had to be arranged! In the spring the time had finally come. The two hosted an extravagant wedding, attended by all their friends and family. The two walked down the aisle toward the altar, where their love would be sealed forever by the waiting priest. They would know not only prosperity, but also adversity in their marriage…

Husband Receives Photo From His Wife, Then Immediately Wants a Divorce

The ring

The wedding ring that Chloe would wear for the rest of her wedding was beautifully decorated with small diamonds. Costs and effort were not spared because John had these made by a specialized jeweler from France. His princess deserved an extra special ring. Chloe wore the ring with pride.

The ring attracted a lot of attention. Some of Chloe’s friends lived abroad, which prevented them from attending the wedding. They had already heard about the beautiful wedding ring through the media, so Chloe was repeatedly asked to send a photo of the jewelry. The couple’s lives calmed down in the years that followed, until John made a shocking discovery…

Husband Receives Photo From His Wife, Then Immediately Wants a Divorce

Married couple

In the years following the wedding, a lot changed in the couple’s life. John took on a new role as a sales representative for the company he worked for, while Chloe’s career also changed a lot. She noticed that as she got older, she was offered fewer jobs.

As a result, Chloe became more and more of a housewife, while John was increasingly away from home. Chloe started working for charities and became a welcome guest at fundraisers and events. The company John worked for was very conscious of his value, so he was now making enough for two. The two had everything right, but their relationship still started to show cracks…

Husband Receives Photo From His Wife, Then Immediately Wants a Divorce


Chloe had to get used to the transition from a life as a single model, full of parties, attention, and tension, to a life as a married housewife. Her volunteer work did her good: she was very committed to others. However, she did miss some excitement in her life. She spent most of her time at home.

Because she was at home so much, she had a lot of time to think between household chores. She realized that she was not completely satisfied with the current way her life was going. Her husband traveled a lot and earned the money, while she was at home a lot and bored to death. Here and there Chloe was offered a modeling job, but this was not enough. Chloe desperately needed more variety and excitement in her life…

Husband Receives Photo From His Wife, Then Immediately Wants a Divorce

Away from home a lot

John was also not completely satisfied with the current situation. Although he now held a very important position and earned a lot of money, there was something missing in his life. He began to realize more and more that that “something” was Chloe. He was sometimes away from home for a long time, so it took weeks before he saw the love of his life again.

What also didn’t help was the fact that Chloe didn’t like pictures or video bubbles. This would make it a lot easier for John, because then he would get to see his wife again. He decided to insist on it once during this business trip. He missed her terribly. Little did John know that this request would turn his life upside down…

Husband Receives Photo From His Wife, Then Immediately Wants a Divorce

The photo

The couple had just called for half an hour while John was boarding his next flight. Chloe had been on the way home during the phone call and now plopped down on the couch. Suddenly she received a message from her husband, who had to be on the plane by now.

“Would you please send me a picture of yourself? I miss you terribly and it pains me not to see you these next few weeks. Please.”, John typed. He then put his phone on airplane mode and fastened his seatbelt carefully. The plane started to taxi and prepared to take off. He had no idea what awaited him…

Husband Receives Photo From His Wife, Then Immediately Wants a Divorce

Taking a picture

Chloe read the message with a frown on her face. A picture of herself? John knew she didn’t like that, right? She was a professional model, she saw herself often enough already. She wanted to keep work and private life separate. Chloe intended to decline the request.

Then she realized how John must be feeling. Lonely and alone, in a foreign land, far from home. The least she could do to satisfy him was to send a photo. She posed for a selfie, took a few, chose the best one and sent it to her husband, accompanied by a heart emoji. She had only forgotten one detail…

Husband Receives Photo From His Wife, Then Immediately Wants a Divorce

No way back

After she sent the photo, Chloe took another good look at it. She looked good and couldn’t believe that she wasn’t being offered more modeling jobs. In the past, she even had to reject them because she no longer had time for new jobs… Then suddenly she noticed a detail that shocked her.

“Oh no!”, she yelled out loud, starting at her phone in the living room. She’d noticed something she knew would anger John. Her fingers quickly tapped the keyboard of her cellphone, until the screen suddenly went black. Her battery had died. John was going to land and see the photograph. There was no going back…

Husband Receives Photo From His Wife, Then Immediately Wants a Divorce


Once landed, John took his phone off airplane mode and a big smile appeared on his face. He had 1 new message from the love of his life. He opened the messaging app and saw the beautiful photo of his beautiful wife. Deeply in love, John stared at the screen.

Her beautiful smile, her beautiful eyes, her shiny hair… Suddenly John’s heart skipped a beat. What was that? His heart began to pound in his throat. He had noticed something in the photo that had really shocked him. What did this mean? This detail had serious consequences for his marriage…

Husband Receives Photo From His Wife, Then Immediately Wants a Divorce


John trembled with rage as he dialed his wife’s number for the fourth time. She didn’t answer again. He didn’t know that her phone had gone down, of course, so he tried a fifth time. When this attempt also proved unsuccessful, John decided to call another number.

His lawyer answered in the usual friendly tone. John explained the situation to him and concluded his story with a request. “I want you to get the divorce papers in order,” he said. The lawyer repeated John’s words in astonishment. “Are you sure about this?” he asked John. “Talk to her first, who knows, maybe she’ll have an explanation.” John took a few deep breaths at the advice of his lawyer and decided to call Chloe again.

Husband Receives Photo From His Wife, Then Immediately Wants a Divorce

The conversation

John was straight to the point: “Where the hell is your wedding ring?”. Chloe had already expected this to catch his eye. He had spent so much money and gone to such lengths to get this wedding ring on her finger, he had noticed this detail immediately. The photo indeed showed that Chloe was not wearing her wedding ring.

One dark thought ran through John’s head. Did she cheat on him when he was on a business trip? Chloe, of course, had mentioned that she was bored at home. It could be that she had sought the excitement outside the door and had forgotten to put her wedding ring back on. Did this happen more often? She never sent a photo of course… Chloe couldn’t help but be honest…

Husband Receives Photo From His Wife, Then Immediately Wants a Divorce

The explanation

Chloe decided to tell her husband the truth. It was hard enough for him to be far from home and not be able to see her face during this conversation, it was hard for her to get around the truth and tell him a story. She decided not to beat around the bush.

She knew she would startle her husband with the truth, because she promised him never to do this. Yet she loved John dearly and knew that she had no choice but to tell them why the ring was not on her finger in the photo. The truth came out…

Husband Receives Photo From His Wife, Then Immediately Wants a Divorce

The truth

Chloe told John that she did something that day that he wouldn’t like. She had been sitting at home and very bored. There was no volunteering to do that day, no events to attend, and she had already completed all the household chores.

She called an acquaintance for an appointment and then went out. Along the way, Chloe knew she was doing something her husband didn’t want her to do, but she was done with the boredom. At least this was something exciting. And he wouldn’t even find out! Wondering what Chloe was going to do? You will read it on the next page.

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Husband Receives Photo From His Wife, Then Immediately Wants a Divorce
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