Important: This Is How You Recognize A Heart Attack In Women

Important: This Is How You Recognize A Heart Attack In Women

Heart attack symptoms vary between men and women

Women and men are at the same risk of heart attacks. Many people now know that chest pain and pressure is a symptom of a heart attack. This is often the case with men. In women, however, the signals are a lot more subtle. We explain how to recognize a heart attack in women.


As women, we are constantly reminded to check our breasts for any symptoms of breast cancer. It is striking that we don’t often hear anything about the risk of a heart attack, even though twice as many women die of a heart attack as of breast cancer. This is because the signs of a heart attack are much more subtle in women than in men. Even doctors do not always know how to signal a heart attack to a woman in time. In fact, women are 50% more likely than men to have a heart attack that a doctor diagnoses as something else.


Therefore, a heart attack in women is extremely dangerous. And the risk is increasing. More and more women are overweight, have poor cholesterol levels and higher blood pressure. It is, of course, important to live healthier lives, but it is also important to know the signs of a heart attack in women. In this way, action can be taken in time and the heart attack doesn’t become fatal. Below are the common symptoms of a heart attack in women.

  • Extreme fatigue (for days or even weeks)
  • Pain in the upper abdomen, shoulders, neck and jaw line
  • Nausea
  • Shortness of breath
  • Excessive sweating
  • Feeling restless or anxious
  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia


The above symptoms are still often seen as a flu by women themselves, but also by doctors. Although the symptoms do not always have to signal a heart attack or other heart-related disorders, it is still best to contact your GP if you experience any of them. If the symptoms suddenly get worse and/or you experience pressure in your chest, immediately call the emergency number.

Men versus women

Why do these symptoms differ so much between men and women, you might wonder. There are various reasons for this. In men, the problems often originate in the coronary arteries. These are the large veins around the heart. Plaque can narrow these arteries, which causes the blood vessel to become partially or completely blocked. In women these constrictions occur more often in the smaller vessels around the heart muscle. Blockage of these smaller vessels are less easy to detect and cause different, more subtle signals. Because of this, a heart attack in women is often noticed at a later stage.

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Important: This Is How You Recognize A Heart Attack In Women
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