Olive Oil: A Beauty Hack From Your Own Kitchen Cabinet

Olive Oil: A Beauty Hack From Your Own Kitchen Cabinet

Olive oil as a beauty aid is also good for your wallet

A big splash of olive oil works wonders for your baked potatoes, salad dressing or marinade. But did you know that olive oil can also be used on your body? We certainly didn’t expect that! From your hands to your feet, from your hair to your pores: your body will be grateful. We explain to you how it works.

Olive oil is full of antioxidants.

Hands and feet

Olive oil functions as a personal care product for your hands and feet. Do you have dry cuticles? With a cotton pad and some olive oil they will be a thing of the past. The same goes for dry heels. Rub some olive oil on your feet and you’ll see that the dryness disappears.


Do you suffer from split ends? Then a few drops of olive oil can work miracles. You can take a whole bottle of olive oil with you in the shower, but that’s not very practical. To make it a little bit easier for yourself, it is also possible to mix the olive oil with your favourite shampoo or conditioner.


Putting olive oil on your face? This doesn’t seem like a good idea at first. Won’t the fattiness of the olive oil block all your pores? No they won’t. Olive oil does not have a blocking effect on your face, on the contrary, it even makes sure that the skin is properly hydrated. Mix some olive oil with a bit of sugar and you’ve got yourself a natural scrub. We bet your skin will love it!


Do you have really dry lips? Rub a bit of olive oil on them to make them less dry. Applying a thin layer of olive oil on your lips will give you soft lips again in no time. Mind the sun though! The oil on your lips makes the chance of sunburn really high. Therefore, rub the olive oil on your lips in the evening so that you don’t have to worry about sunburn.

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Olive Oil: A Beauty Hack From Your Own Kitchen Cabinet
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