Shocking: This Is Why It’s Better To Stop Drinking Orange Juice!

Shocking: This Is Why It’s Better To Stop Drinking Orange Juice!

Apparently, orange juice is just as bad for you as cola

Do you love drinking a glass of fresh orange juice with your breakfast? We did too, but when we saw this, we quickly changed our minds. It turns out orange juice isn’t nearly as healthy as we thought. In fact, it’s supposed to be just as bad as cola.

We’ll refrain from having that glass of delicious fresh OJ from now on…


The Dutch Health Council explains that the fruit sugars in orange juice are absorbed by the body really quickly because they enter the body in liquid form. Because they enter the body so fast in such a high quantity, the body easily converts this sugar into fat. This means you can gain weight pretty quickly, and people with more body fat will have a higher chance of getting diabetes. All from a glass of orange juice!


Did you know that if you drink one glass of orange juice every day, you will consume up to 53,000 extra calories on a yearly basis? Not only does orange juice contain many calories, but it also contains lots of sugar. One glass of OJ per day accounts to 14 kilos sugar per year. A glass of orange juice contains just as much sugar as a glass of cola. Therefore, even though orange juice sounds healthy, it won’t help you lose weight.


If we haven’t convinced you yet that orange juice isn’t as healthy as most people think, we’ll lay out some more facts for you. Aside from the calories and sugar, orange juice has even more downsides. So in the future, we’ll think twice about drinking a glass of OJ -or two or three- with our breakfast.

Not full

Apart from that, you’ll drink too much of the juice before you know it. If you were to put the number of oranges that go into one glass of OJ onto a plate, you’d feel full much quicker than when you drink it as a juice. A smoothie would be a better alternative because smoothies contain more fibres. As a general rule, though, it’s healthier to eat fruit than it is to drink it.

Vitamin C

Do you want to increase your vitamin C intake without consuming the sugars in orange juice? Many vegetables contain more vitamin C than oranges. One orange contains around 50 to 75 milligrams of vitamin C. Broccoli, red peppers and kale, on the other hand, contain up to 90 milligrams of vitamin C. You can easily go without your daily glass of OJ and still keep up with your vitamin intake by incorporating more of these veggies in your diet. Eat an orange in the morning and add one of these three vegetables to your dinner to up your vitamin C dosage.

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Shocking: This Is Why It’s Better To Stop Drinking Orange Juice!
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