Stomach Cancer: This Is How To Recognize The Most Important Symptoms

Stomach Cancer: This Is How To Recognize The Most Important Symptoms

These signals can warn you

It is one of the most dangerous types of cancer: stomach cancer. Symptoms of stomach cancer typically go unnoticed until late in the disease, since the symptoms are usually minor in the beginning. On average, in Europe, 1 to 2 out of 100 men and 0.5 to 1 out of 100 women get stomach cancer. A small chance, but being aware of the symptoms is still important.

Stomach cancer often goes unnoticed

Stomach cancer is a rare disease and is often overlooked initially. Stomach complaints are difficult to identify and can be related to many different things. When someone visits a doctor with unspecific stomach complaints, stomach cancer is not the first thing that comes to mind. Luckily, the disease is easy to treat, especially when it is discovered at an early stage.

Cases of stomach cancer in the Netherlands

Fortunately, the prevalence of stomach cancer has been declining for a while. The cases differ between men and women. The disease mainly occurs in men between the ages of 60 and 75. Most women who suffer from stomach cancer are 75 or older.

The symptoms of stomach cancer

At an early stage, this condition causes few complaints, depending on where the tumor is located in the stomach. There are, however, a couple of symptoms that point to stomach cancer.

  • Dizziness and fatigue
  • Anemia – due to prolonged blood loss from the stomach
  • Black stools
  • Little to no appetite and an aversion to certain foods. Especially foods with a strong odor, like coffee or herbs and spices.
  • Feeling full for a long time after eating or feeling that your food just won’t go down.
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting, sometimes with small amounts of blood.
  • Regurgitation and heartburn.
  • Pain in the upper abdomen and/or near the sternum.
  • Sudden weight loss – without changing your diet or exercise routine.

Consult your doctor

Do you suspect something might be wrong and do you recognize one or more symptoms from the list above? Don’t worry too much, since stomach cancer is a rare disease. Stomach complaints can often have many causes and are usually a result of stress. If the complaints persist for several weeks, it is advisable to pay a visit to the doctor. Do you notice blood in the stool or vomit? Then you should also visit a doctor immediately, since this is obviously a warning sign.

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Stomach Cancer: This Is How To Recognize The Most Important Symptoms
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