This Is What Your Lip Shape Says About Your Personality!

This Is What Your Lip Shape Says About Your Personality!

Everybody’s lip shape is different

A lot of the different shapes and sizes of your body can tell you something about the kind of person you are. We know what kind of personality you have based on the way you sit, what shape your nose has, and the colour of your eyes. In the same vein, everybody has differently shaped lips – and this is what that can say about your personality!

Does this description fit your personality?


Are your lips not that thick but not that thin either? Then you’ve got a lip shape that’s called ‘goldilocks’. Usually, these lips are described as being medium-sized and not having very defined peaks. Do you have this lip shape? Then you’re good at relationships, you’re a balanced person and you don’t like drama at all. You’re definitely not greedy or clingy, which is something many people will be able to appreciate in you.

Full lips

We’d all like a pair of these: beautiful, full, round lips. Have you been blessed with this lip shape? Then you long to take care of other people. You much prefer to put someone else first than yourself – it’s just something that’s in your nature. Family and friends are really important to you in your life.

Thin lips

People who have thin upper and lower lips can be a little lonely sometimes, but they know how to cope with that. You don’t commit to other people very quickly and you might be a little less proficient at flirting with other people than people with full lips are. This doesn’t mean you stay behind when it comes to love, though. Relationships are usually plain sailing for you – you’re very good at them.

Peaked cupid’s bow

The cupid’s bow is the top edge of your upper lip, which looks like double-curved bow – like that of cupid (hence the name). Does your cupid’s bow have a bit of an angular shape with well-defined peaks? Then you’re very good at communicating with other people. You’re also very creative and a quick thinker. You’ll have to make sure you don’t talk too quickly, though, because you sometimes say something you realise later you should’ve kept to yourself.

Round cupid’s bow

Is your cupid’s bow still defined but a lot more round? Then we’ve got good news for you, because this lip shape radiates friendliness. People with a round cupid’s bow usually have great empathic abilities and they take their time to be there for their family and friends.

Small mouth with full lips

Do you have a small, narrow mouth with full lips? Then it’s possible you have trouble when it comes to relationships and you don’t really feel the need to share your entire life with someone else. That’s why you might have more attention for yourself than for other people. You’re a strong and independent person.

Live, Laugh, Love
This Is What Your Lip Shape Says About Your Personality!
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