This Is Why You Should Rub Egg In Your Hair Every Week

This Is Why You Should Rub Egg In Your Hair Every Week

Rub this mixture in your hair every week for two months

The older you get, the more difficult it becomes to maintain your looks and appearance. Both the inside and the outside of your body start to fall in disrepair after some time and a fresh look is no longer something that always comes naturally. Your hair, for example, can start to thin out as you get older. Want to do something about that? We might just have the solution you need.

This mixture might help you get back that full head of hair.

Getting older

Wrinkles, sagging skin on your neck, bat wings on your upper arms, slower metabolism and inexplicable pains and ailments: they’re all symptoms of getting older. One of the most hated signs of getting older is thinning hair or even loss of it. A lot of people start dealing with this from their 30th birthday onward. Your hair starts getting thinner and weaker and you end up with a lot more hairs in your hairbrush than usual. Hair follicles die off more quickly, which means new hair will grow less quickly and also less frequently. Plus, it also won’t be able to grow as long as it used to. There are countless shampoos, creams and other chemical products that promise to give you a head full of beautiful hair. These are usually very expensive, though, and a lot of the times they don’t even work properly. Luckily, there’s a completely natural and cheap way to stimulate your hair growth.


Thinning hair can be very tedious and also quite confronting. You’ve tried a couple of expensive shampoos and creams but nothing seems to be working to help you maintain your beautiful ‘do. This problem will be a thing of the past, though, because if you rub this natural, homemade mixture on your head every week the results might just astound you. The mixture only contains three ingredients (all of them natural!) and you can very simply do this at home. You’ll need to be a little patient before you notice the results, though; it’ll take about two to three months.

This is what you need

  • 2 tablespoons sunflower oil
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 egg yolk
  • a swimming cap that stays on properly

This is what you need to do

Mix all three ingredients together in a bowl and then apply it to your hair and scalp. When you’ve applied it properly, put on the swimming cap and let everything soak into your hair. Afterwards, thoroughly wash your hair with a natural shampoo or at least one that doesn’t contain any sulfates. This is less aggressive and much better for your hair. Do this every week on a set day and your hair might just become a lot thicker.

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of specific results and each person’s results may vary.

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This Is Why You Should Rub Egg In Your Hair Every Week
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