What Part Of Your Body Gains Weight The Quickest? This Is What It Can Say About The Cause

What Part Of Your Body Gains Weight The Quickest? This Is What It Can Say About The Cause

Where do you gain the most weight? This might be the cause of your weight gain

Around springtime, we all collectively start dieting and exercising because we want to lose those last few pounds so we can feel confident and shine in our bathing suits. Many people have at least one ‘problem zone’ on their body that they feel insecure about. For some people it’s their buttocks, for others it’s their belly.

What does your ‘problem zone’ say about the cause behind your weight gain?


Sometimes, it’s a matter of genes. If your mother has curvy hips or a big bum, chances are you will have inherited it. But there can be more causes behind your weight gain than just genes, and genes aren’t an excuse to not do something about the parts of your body that you don’t like (provided that you want to do something about them, of course). Because did you know that the part of your body where you gain weight the quickest can say a lot about the cause behind your weight gain? And if you know the cause… you can do something about it.

Upper body

If you gain weight the quickest in your upper body, it has everything to do with your diet. This type of weight gain is the most common and it is all about what you eat. It is pretty safe to say that you probably eat too much in general and you also specifically eat too much sugar. Keep a close eye on your food intake and try to limit your sugar intake. Also make sure you exercise or simply move (like going for a walk) at least 30 minutes a day.

Buttocks and thighs

This type of weight gain often has to do with a hormone imbalance. It most commonly happens during puberty, the menopause and other times in your life when your hormones are out of balance. If you want to avoid this type of weight gain, you should avoid sitting down for long periods of time, smoking and drinking a lot of alcohol. Tip: try training with weights.

Love handles

This probably has to do with anxiety and stress. People who aren’t in the best mental state often find solace in snacks, mostly sweet ones. This will result in those love handles that appear over the edge of your pants. Try to figure out what is making you feel stressed and work on that. Yoga can help you to feel calm and is very good for your body as well.

Belly and back

You really don’t exercise enough. Were you an avid athlete before but have you stopped exercising now? Chances are that the body parts that used to be most trained are now storing the most fat. If you want to get rid of this fat, you’ll need to eat a healthy snack regularly. This will keep your metabolism going. You can get started on burning that excess fat by doing High-Intensity Interval Training: this is a way of training that has you alternate between short periods of time of training intensely and short periods of rest.


It’s important to take a critical look at your alcohol consumption because the ‘beer belly’ definitely isn’t a myth. Do you often feel bloated and do you feel like all of your excess weight is stored in your belly? Then alcohol is most likely the culprit. This often comes hand in hand with labored breathing as well. Enough reasons to dial down your alcohol consumption.

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of specific results and each person’s results may vary.

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What Part Of Your Body Gains Weight The Quickest? This Is What It Can Say About The Cause
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