Why People Are Placing A Red Cup Under Their Toilet Seat At Night (And Why You Should Too)

This is why you should sleep with a lemon on your nightstand

Lemons are good for much more than simply sprucing up your drink; that much we know already. But we had no idea that we can also use them for this purpose! Cutting into the yellow fruit and putting it next to your bed in a little bowl has loads of benefits for your health.

Who knew lemons were this useful!

Vitamin boost

If you’re really tough and don’t mind the extremely sour taste, you could just eat a whole lemon and be done with it. Lemons provide us with a true vitamin boost: they are full of super healthy phytonutrients. These phytonutrients go on a hunt within your body for so called free radicals that cause damage. Starting your morning by drinking a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice can also help kickstart your digestion and it can help improve your skin. In other words: there’s nothing but benefits to be gained from eating this sour fruit.

Empty stomach

If you want to get the most out of your lemon water, it’s important to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. This way it’ll be most effective when it comes to cleansing your body from toxins. Plus, it stimulates weight loss. That’s because your liver produces more bile if you drink the lemon water on an empty stomach. In turn, that leads to you being less hungry and digesting food quicker. Drinking lemon water is also good for your oral hygiene because of the acids a lemon contains. These acids make sure that bacteria as well as any remains of the food you’ve eaten will disappear from your mouth.

But did you know that it can also help against depression and anxiety attacks? Go to the next page to find out how this works!

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Why People Are Placing A Red Cup Under Their Toilet Seat At Night (And Why You Should Too)
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