Why People Are Placing A Red Cup Under Their Toilet Seat At Night (And Why You Should Too)

This is why you should make a foot bath with vinegar

We often don’t pay much attention to our feet until the sandal season arrives or we get an itch between our toes. Have you neglected your feet a little too long, and is it time to remedy this? Just give yourself a good pedicure at home with water and vinegar. You can read instructions on how to do this below.

Reduce swimmer’s eczema

Eczema is a common fungal infection on the foot, and occurs mainly on the sole and in between the toes. Contrary to what the name suggests, the infection is picked up not only from swimming pools, but also from other places, if you walk around barefoot. This fungal infection can lead to dry, flakey and itchy skin, or even inflammation and blisters. Due to the anti-fungal action of vinegar, this strong-smelling substance can help treat the fungal infection. Regularly bathing your feet in this beneficial solution can reduce symptoms and manage the infection.

Goodbye sweaty feet odor

The notorious odor of sweaty feet usually arises from a combination of sweat and bacteria left on your feet and in your shoes. Since vinegar can be used against both fungi and bacteria, you can use this solution to remove the unpleasant odor. By occasionally giving your feet a vinegar bath, you won’t have to quickly block your nose when you remove your shoes. Rinse your feet well afterwards, as not everyone likes the smell of vinegar.

A boost for dry feet and cracked heels

Not only are chaps and dry feet unsightly, they can also be painful and irritating. The acidity in vinegar gives your dry feet a well-deserved moisturizing treatment. Chances are that the skin on your feet will feel a lot smoother after a vinegar bath.

Vinegar bath for your feet

Pampering your feet with a vinegar bath is a piece of cake. Put 1 large glass of vinegar in a basin or bucket and add 2 large glasses of warm water. Repeat in these proportions until the tub is full enough for you to dip your feet. It does not matter what type of vinegar you use. Soak your feet in the vinegar bath for 10 to 20 minutes, then dry completely. Make a bath for your feet every day until the symptoms have subsided.

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Why People Are Placing A Red Cup Under Their Toilet Seat At Night (And Why You Should Too)
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