Woman Discovers Unpleasant Surprise On Family Photo, Immediately Files For Divorce

The photoshoot 

The next morning, Susan revealed the plans over breakfast. John half choked on his coffee. Susan was very happy that she had been able to surprise him like this. That afternoon they already went into the garden to get the location in order. It was a beautiful autumn day. The leaves were already slightly discolored and provided a beautiful natural decoration. There was little wind and the temperature was very pleasant. 

John just didn’t seem to be able to enjoy the nice weather. It seemed as if he was nervous, how he kept opening and closing the buttons on his shirt. He couldn’t stand still either. Susan knew John didn’t like pictures. This was probably why he was acting so nervous. Before she could care too much, the photographer was at the door.

 Susan gave the man a warm welcome, but when she turned to introduce him, she was startled… 

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Woman Discovers Unpleasant Surprise On Family Photo, Immediately Files For Divorce
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