You Can Recognise Melanoma By These Signals

You Can Recognise Melanoma By These Signals

It’s important to regularly check your birthmarks

Everyone has birthmarks and generally speaking that isn’t something to worry about. Yet it is important to check them for changes on a regular basis. When a birthmark changes in shape or colour, it could mean that it has evolved into melanoma. This is an aggressive form of skin cancer and can sometimes spread to other parts of the body quite rapidly. So, it’s very important to keep an eye on your body. These are the signs that will help you recognise melanoma.

The Melanoma Foundation from the Netherlands has introduced a handy checklist which will help you recognise melanoma easily.


Melanoma is a form of skin cancer that can occur anywhere on the body. Oftentimes, it develops from a birthmark, but this doesn’t always have to be the case. Birthmarks consist of melanocytes (pigment cells), that are situated together in groups. When a birthmark develops into melanoma, it causes the melanocytes to start to multiply without restraint. The number of cases of skin cancer, as well as the number of deaths, is growing rapidly. That’s why it’s very important to check yourself regularly.

This is how you recognise melanoma

According to the Melanoma Foundation, it is important to keep an eye on newly developing and changing birthmarks. The foundation has created a handy method that will help you recognise melanoma more quickly: the ABCDE method. Chances are that you are dealing with melanoma when:

  • Asymmetry: the birthmark isn’t symmetrical in shape or colour
  • Border: the birthmark has an irregular border around it
  • Colour: the birthmark changes in colour or has multiple different colours
  • Diameter: the birthmark has a diameter of over 6 millimetres
  • Evolving: the birthmark itches, bleeds, or changes

Apart from regularly checking your birthmarks, you should also make sure you protect your skin against the sun properly by using sunblock, for example.

You can also compare your birthmarks to the ones in the picture below. The text is in Dutch, but the birthmarks on the left are innocent and the birthmarks on the right are the ones that are suspicious. If you do have a suspicious birthmark, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: this information is not an alternative to professional medical advice. In case of doubt, please contact your doctor.

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You Can Recognise Melanoma By These Signals
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