You’ll Never Believe These 41 Bizarre Humans Spotted on Public Transit

You’ll Never Believe These 41 Bizarre Humans Spotted on Public Transit

You’ll Think Twice About Using Public Transportation If You’d Meet These People

Riding public transportation can be an interesting experience. Beyond just getting you from point A to point B, you never know who – or what – you’ll see along the way. For many commuters, the metro is a lawless underground world filled with strange creatures and happenings. We’re not just talking about rats and buskers – some genuinely bizarre humans have been spotted on public transit that will make you think twice about buying that monthly pass.

Think we’re exaggerating? Not even close. The cast of characters who ride public transit worldwide is far more diverse and unexpected than you’d imagine. What you are about to read will disturb you. It may keep you up at night. And some may even make you laugh out loud. You’ll certainly never look at public transportation the same way again.

Brace yourself: the following 41 totally bizarre humans spotted on buses, trains, and subways will make you think twice about keeping your eyes on your phone during your next commute. From shocking fashion choices to perplexing behavior, these crazy transit tales will have you shaking your head in disbelief. The wildest ride is about to begin…

Blending in

Rush-hour commuters got a jaw-dropping surprise when a guy wrapped from head to toe in camouflage netting joined their metro journey. Decked out like he was auditioning for “Invisible Man: Army Edition,” this mystery man squeezed right next to a woman, who strangely didn’t seem to notice her new, nearly-invisible neighbor. Maybe the camo was doing its job a little too well? “Should someone poke her and say, ‘Hey, you’re sharing your personal bubble with an uh swamp monster..?”

You’ll Never Believe These 41 Bizarre Humans Spotted on Public Transit

Popular Everything

Whether he was off to a paintball match or a top-secret mission at Area 51, no one dared to ask. But let’s be real—when you’re on public transit these days, you never know who might plop down next to you. Next time you think you’re leaning on thin air, remember it might just be Camo Carl enjoying his own metro moment.

Romaine Couture

So you’re on the subway, right? And there’s this woman with a lettuce leaf on her head. Not joking. It’s like she’s wearing a green, curly hat, but it’s actually a leaf of lettuce. The only things missing are a few croutons. Maybe she took the whole ‘go green’ thing a little too far and decided to wear it on her head!

You’ll Never Believe These 41 Bizarre Humans Spotted on Public Transit


The craziest part is perhaps that people continue scrolling down their phones or listening to music. It’s like they don’t even notice. Maybe we’re missing out on a new fashion trend. Should we run to the store and stock up on lettuce? We could even start a new lettuce clothing line. We could make shirts, pants, and even accessories. Imagine going to a party and someone asks you, “Wow, where’d you get that hat?” And you get to say, “Oh, this? It’s fresh from the farmer’s market. It’s Romaine Couture, darling.” You’d no doubt be the talk of the town.

No Traffic Jams

Ah, the subway—a place where the unexpected becomes the everyday. But even by subway standards, this was a first: a guy rolls in with a Cabin Car mobility scooter. Yes, you read that right—a mobility scooter designed to look like a mini-car, complete with side mirrors, headlights, and even windshield wipers. It’s as if he’s not sure whether he’s on the road or on rails. He has to make a seven-point turn just to fit through the door, but once he’s in, he’s the king of the carriage.

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As people squeeze in and out at each stop, the beauty of this man’s Cabin Car mobility scooter becomes more apparent. He’s encased in his little automotive oasis, completely immune to the subway’s usual discomforts. No one can accidentally bump into him, and there’s enough space in his scooter-cabin for his personal belongings, and maybe even a small pet. Best of all, he’s blaring his favorite tunes from built-in speakers, and not a single passenger can complain about the noise because, well, he’s in his own little world—literally. It’s a genius move: a one-man VIP lounge amidst the hustle and bustle of city commuting. Have we been doing public transport all wrong the whole time?!

When You Forgot To Eat at Home

You think you’ve seen it all on the subway until you step into a subway that’s been transformed into a five-star restaurant. No joke—a group of people have actually brought in a dining table, complete with a crisp white tablecloth and gleaming silverware. The pièce de résistance? A lavish spread of chicken wings, potatoes, bread, and an assortment of juices served in crystal glasses.

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But this isn’t just a one-off stunt or a birthday bash gone underground. This photo was snapped on the Moscow metro. Known for inviting strangers to join them, these underground gourmets are changing the game of public transit. As passengers drift away from their screens, lured by the aroma of chicken wings and potatoes, they find themselves sharing juice and conversation with new friends. In a place where even eye contact can be rare, this group has turned a regular subway ride into a unique social dining experience. It’s community building, one chicken wing at a time.

“Dang, Why Didn’t I Think of That?!”

We’ve all been there: you have to catch the morning metro while your head is still in the clouds—or more accurately, on your pillow. You try so hard to stay awake, but your eyes keep drooping. Then you find yourself in that awkward nodding-off scenario, waking up every time your head falls forward—or worse yet, sideways onto a neighbor’s shoulder.

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But not this guy! He seems to have life all figured out. He’s completely knocked out, swaying gently with the train’s motion but never tipping over. It’s as if he’s unlocked a secret achievement in the game of Public Transit: Sleep Mode Activated. Next to him sits a woman, her face a blend of envy and awe, silently mouthing the words, “Dang, why didn’t I think of that?!”

We can’t stop staring at her… cat. 

This woman on the subway has brought her cat with her, but not in the way you’d think. It’s not in a carrier or on a leash; it’s perched somewhere surprising… We can’t help but wonder: how did that cat get there?

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First, how did she manage to put the cat there without getting scratched? We all know cats don’t like being moved around. And second, why is the cat so calm? It’s just sitting there like it’s no big deal.

I’ve Seen An Angel Today

Meet the Subway Angel, who is anything but heavenly in appearance. Picture this: a woman boards the train in a full-on angel costume—yes, wings and all. But don’t expect her to resemble a character from a Hallmark movie. This angelic figure is, let’s say, more on the “seasoned” side.

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Could this be our grandma’s guardian angel? Or maybe it is the ‘modern day’ tooth fairy patiently waiting for passengers to fall asleep and take their tooth. Who knows?!

Just Casually Walking My Scrubbing Brush

You’ve got to see this to believe it—a hamster riding the metro? But hold on, it’s not what you think! This little guy is actually an impostor, an impossibly cute scrubbing brush donning a Halloween hat. No need to call animal control or PETA; it’s all in good fun. This is one hamster that won’t be running on any wheels tonight.

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Let us introduce you to Tawashi Ojisan, otherwise known as “Scrubbing Brush Man,” or, on corny days, “Corn Man” (yes, he sometimes walks a cob of corn on a leash like it’s a pet). Spotted most frequently on Tokyo’s metro, he takes public transit shenanigans to a whole new level. He’s not just riding the train; he’s turning it into a theater of the absurd—one where scrubbing brushes and corn cobs take the main stage. So, next time you’re in Tokyo, keep your eyes peeled. You never know what—or who—you’ll see sharing your ride!

From the Savannah to the Subway

In a world where the subway often feels like a zoo, one man took it literally—and showed up as an actual zebra… well, sort of. The outfit? Impeccably striped. The head? Err, that’s where it gets a little sketchy. If you’ve ever wondered what a zebra would look like with a human torso for a head, you no longer have to rely on your imagination. Folks, we’ve got a centaur-zebra-human situation going on here, and it’s as mesmerizing as it is mystifying!

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The real puzzler, though, was logistics: How did this zebra-man navigate the subway gates? The turnstiles are notorious for snagging even regular coats and bags, let alone a full-on zebra getup with a tail. Did he gallop through at full speed, trusting the stripes to create a sort of optical illusion? Or perhaps he had a special zebra MetroCard, providing unlimited access to the urban savanna. The practicalities of it all made the spectacle even more baffling and irresistibly intriguing.

Why Sit When You Can Swing?

Why jostle for a subway seat when you could be suspended in mid-air bliss? This man has clearly evolved from his prior struggles with uncomfortable commutes, choosing instead to literally hang out in a cozy hammock.

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What’s not to love about this hammock aficionado? He’s effectively sidestepped the seat-hogging dilemma, while achieving a level of comfort most of us can only dream of on public transit. Talk about a win-win for everyone aboard!

The Subway Chef

Commuters, step aside: the subway’s unofficial culinary academy is now in session! Behold the audacity of a woman casually chopping onions as if she were in the ‘Chopped’ finale, and not aboard a moving train. Sure, you’ve seen people apply makeup, floss their teeth, and even clip their toenails (yuck) in public transit, but prepping dinner ingredients? That’s next-level. Even Gordon Ramsay would be dumbfounded—though we’re still waiting to hear his review.

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While some of us are navigating tangled earphones and avoiding eye contact like Olympic sports, this woman has embraced her role as the subway’s Iron Chef. With each slice, she’s not just inching closer to a savory stew; she’s also cutting through social norms like a hot knife through butter. And those teary-eyed commuters? They’re not emotional—they’re just within onion-chopping range. Perhaps her obliviousness to the spectacle she’s created is her secret ingredient. Either way, this lady is cooking up something extraordinary, and it’s not just dinner!

Oh This? This Is Nothing. Just My Bag…

When it comes to navigating New York’s subway pet restrictions, this woman isn’t just in the clear—she’s riding in style. You see, rules stipulate animals must be in a carrier or bag, and let’s just say she’s found a delightful loophole.

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Cue this innovative subway rider and her trusty IKEA bag, giving a whole new meaning to pet-friendly travel. If you thought those iconic blue carriers were merely for carting around Swedish flat-pack furniture, think again!

Even Huge Rats Can’t Tear New Yorkers Away from Phones

Ah, New York City—the place where even the rats are so over-the-top, they’ve started taking human form and waiting for the subway like the rest of us! Here they are, two majestic, life-sized rodent impersonators, fully suited and patiently waiting for the next train. The punchline? No one seems to give a whisker!

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Only in NYC can two gargantuan ‘rats’ blend in seamlessly with the morning rush. Everyone else is so engrossed in their screens, you’d think the rats were pitching a Broadway show called ‘Ratatouille: The Real-Life Experience!’ What’s next, pigeons forming a queue at the ticket machine? Either this is a social experiment gone hilariously unnoticed, or New Yorkers have truly mastered the art of minding their own business!


This Chicago woman got an eyeful thanks to a wardrobe malfunction by a fellow passenger. While minding her own business on the morning metro, a man on the other side of the glass partition gave new meaning to “pressed against the glass” when his pants drooped dangerously low. With his backside fully exposed and pushed against the transparent barrier, this mortified maid was mooned by the man’s bare bum just inches from her face!

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Talk about awkward – there was no escaping the unsolicited full moon as the lady averted her eyes and tried her best to ignore the next-level crack attack. Meanwhile, the cringe-worthy exhibitionist seemed blissfully oblivious, dozing away despite putting his back cheeks on full display. So remember, keep your pants secured and your eyes alert during your commute, unless you want to be flashed by some bare booty! You never know what sights you might end up seeing on public transit.

That’s An Unusual Pet

Hop aboard the Edgar Allan Poe Express, folks! Here’s a scene straight out of a gothic novel: a young woman at the subway controls, accompanied by none other than a massive black raven. Don’t adjust your screens; you’re not in an alternate reality—yet!

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Just when you thought your commute couldn’t get any more surreal, enter this feathered co-pilot that’s surely larger than some household pets. Is this a new initiative for bird-friendly transportation, or just a Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry field trip gone astray? While passengers might be questioning their coffee, one thing’s for sure: this duo is putting the ‘rave’ in raven and making the morning ride an epic tale you’ll have to squawk to believe!

Don’t Come Near Me

Ah, the morning subway grind, where personal space is as rare as a unicorn sighting. But then, you spot her—a genius woman who’s found the solution to the sardine-can vibe of the metro. She’s essentially crafted her own “personal space bubble”.

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“She was probably so done with people bumping into her with their huge backpacks and smelly sandwiches that one day she decided to engage in some arts and crafts. And voilà! There she was. We must admit, although it looks a bit silly, we’re actually quite jealous of her. Why didn’t we think of that?!

Maybe Save That Page-Turner for Your Living Room?

Our friend here is deeply engrossed in his book while riding the subway, but the spectacle isn’t winning him any book club invites from nearby commuters. Especially not from the lady sitting next to him, who seems resolutely unimpressed.

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If your curiosity is piqued, rest assured, the book is a legitimate read available on Amazon. But let’s be honest: striking up conversation about it on the subway might not be your best move. Apparently, the unwritten code of subterranean travel seems to be: “Speak not, unless spoken to”.

At Least She’s Honest

This woman’s shirt is hard to ignore. Yep. While everyone else is desperately trying to avoid eye contact or blend into the background, she’s there, audacious and utterly unfazed by the gamut of reactions she’s drawing.

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But well, at least she is honest. She’s wearing her statement loud and clear. It’s as if she’s challenging the whole subway: “Yeah, I said it. Now, what are you going to do about it?”. The shirt has succeeded where a thousand memes have failed; it’s got everyone’s undivided attention. Sure, a picture’s worth a thousand words, but this shirt? It’s worth a thousand side-eyes and probably just as many social media posts.

Just A Typical Wednesday Morning

Picture this: It’s a typical Wednesday morning on the metro, commuters are reading newspapers, sipping coffee, and zoning out to their playlists. Everything is as normal as it can be until the doors open and in walks the Abominable Snowman. That’s right, a man decked out in a full-on Yeti costume, complete with faux fur and oversized feet.

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His entrance turns every head in the carriage; even the person engrossed in a self-help book about ‘Living Mindfully’ has to do a double-take. For a brief moment, everyone is united in their bewilderment. Now, you might expect a collective gasp or a horrified scream, but no. In classic metro fashion, people just roll their eyes and go back to their smartphones. Ah, public transit, you never cease to amaze…

There Goes Your Personal Space

Ah, there you are, trying to make your way home on a jam-packed subway car, fighting for an inch of personal space and just praying no one starts a conversation. Then the doors slide open and in walks—a rhino? But don’t worry, it’s not an actual rhino. It’s just a guy in an incredibly large suit, complete with a life-sized horn and tail that has everyone stepping back to give it room.

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He maneuvers through the crowd, struggling a bit due to his bulky costume, and takes a seat. The whole train car suddenly feels like a scene from a low-budget Jumanji reboot. Ah, the joys of public transit—where the wildlife isn’t just on the tracks.

So This Is What The Future Looks Like?

I guess someone has found a time machine because guess who’s on the NYC subway? An older look-alike of Barack Obama! He’s got the same face we all know, but with a few more wrinkles. And guess what? He’s still wearing his wedding ring. Looks like he and Michelle are going strong, even in this possible future.

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Maybe we should call him Oldbama instead. No in all seriousness, this man looks exactly like him. We can imagine the commuters leaving the train wondering if they’ve stepped into the future or if this is just a really good prank. Either way, it’s a subway ride you’ll never forget.

DIY Subway Pole

For someone with shit balance (pun intended) and a fear of contamination, we can’t help but be a little bit jealous of this woman. While most of us are stuck hanging onto grimy subway poles, questioning the last time they were cleaned, she’s taken matters into her own, well, plunger. Yes, you read that right. A toilet plunger. Upside down. Turned into a personal subway pole. Talk about life hacks!

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The best part of this is that whatever she was doing before getting on the subway, and whatever she did after, she’ll be carrying around that toilet plunger like it’s the most normal thing in the world. Imagine her walking into a board meeting, plunger in hand, ready to tackle the agenda. Or maybe she’ll go on a date, setting the plunger elegantly next to her chair at the restaurant. “Oh, this old thing? It’s just my personal subway pole.”

The Hardcore Gamer’s Subway Saga

Why settle for awkward eye contact or people-watching when you can level up your commute? Only true gaming aficionados will understand the internal struggle this guy must’ve faced before finally yielding to the call of his favorite game. It’s like his inner dialogue was a constant loop of “to game or not to game” until he finally chose the obvious answer.

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Could be he’s the LeBron James of eSports, and this subway ride is his practice court. So, game on, man! In a world where people knit, read, or pretend to sleep to avoid social interaction, you’ve found your happy place. And that’s a win in any game.

Twister Champion or Yoga Guru?

Just glimpsing this photo has our hamstrings begging for mercy. It reminds us about those times when you pulled your earphones out of your pocket and there’s a goddamn sailors knot in them.

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No but seriously. Is she in dire need of a restroom and is this her coping mechanism? Or could she be an off-duty ballerina, casually flexing her skills in public transit? The theories abound, but the truth remains as elusive as a comfortable subway seat during rush hour!

That’s A Large Briefcase

So, you think you’ve seen it all on the subway? Think again. Here comes a guy hauling a full-size garbage container onto the train. Yep, you read that right. A full-size, wheelie-bin, landfill-on-the-go garbage container! It’s as if he woke up one morning and thought, “Why should trash miss out on the daily commute?”.

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Honestly, the best part about this is that the guy seems unfazed, like he’s just another commuter—only his briefcase is a tad smellier and a lot more interesting. While most of us worry about dragging a bulky backpack or a stroller onto the train, this guy ups the ante by bringing a container that could potentially house an entire bachelor raccoon family. It’s either the weirdest community service project ever or a brilliant way to ensure you always get plenty of personal space during rush hour.

Best Parent Award Goes To

Ah, Halloween: the one day a year when you can board a subway train and find yourself amidst witches, superheroes, and an entire family dressed as characters from ‘Where the Wild Things Are.’ In a commute straight out of a children’s book, these parents and their mini-monster are setting the ‘wild rumpus’ bar sky-high. If Maurice Sendak had a frequent rider card, this family would be Platinum members.

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You’ve got to hand it to them; these parents aren’t just ‘phoning in’ the traditional ghost or zombie outfits. No, they’ve elevated their family Halloween game to ‘storybook epic.’ And if you thought keeping track of your kid in a crowded subway was tricky, try doing it while in character as Max or Moishe! If there’s a Parenting and Cosplay crossover award, these folks just took home the grand prize.

Bon Appétit! 

We can all agree that the smell of people eating in the subway isn’t always pleasant. But you know what? I’m not even mad. The commitment this guy made to set up a mini dining experience right there in the middle of the platform just makes me laugh, not rage.

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Complete with a carry on table, chopsticks, and a bottle of water. It’s as if he thought, “Why not turn my daily commute into a Michelin-starred experience?” Forget soggy sandwiches or questionable street meat; he’s dining with class. You can’t help but chuckle as you walk by, wondering if he’ll start offering subway riders wine pairings for their fast food meals next. But hey, who are we to judge? In a world where everyone’s in a hurry, he’s the one taking a delicious detour. Bon appétit, subway sir, bon appétit!

Spock On The Metro

Picture this: you’re on the metro, minding your own business, when suddenly, you spot him. A man sitting there, deadpan expression, with the perfect Spock-from-Star-Trek haircut. It’s like Leonard Nimoy himself beamed down to join the daily commute. You’d almost expect him to raise an eyebrow and calmly declare, “Fascinating.”

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The guy posing in front of the Spock doppelganger clearly couldn’t believe his eyes. It’s as if he’s at a celebrity meet-and-greet, and Spock is the star of the show. He even tries to mimic the Vulcan salute, fingers splayed awkwardly, hoping for a cosmic connection. It’s a surreal yet hilarious moment that proves even the most logical beings can find themselves in the most illogical situations. Live long and prosper, subway Spock!

Ahoy, Captain!

Brace yourselves because we’ve stumbled upon a time-traveling Frenchman who seems set on conquering… well, maybe just the subway. With his naval officer attire and determined look, he’s practically screaming, “Aye, Aye Captain!” We just need a parrot on his shoulder and a subway token for a treasure chest.

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Now, hold your muskets before you jump to conclusions, but secretly, we’re all hoping this fellow might be a resurrected Napoleon Bonaparte. I mean, who wouldn’t want a subway voyage with history’s most famous Frenchman? However, our fellow passenger beside him doesn’t seem too impressed. She’s probably thinking, “Not another time-traveling conqueror on the subway, please.” Nevertheless, it’s an unexpected history lesson during your morning commute, and we’re all ears for any tales of time-hopping adventures on the subway seas.

Going To Work

Imagine this: you step onto the subway, and there, sitting all casually like a seasoned commuter, is a kid who looks like a pint-sized detective from a 1940s crime movie. This little guy has glasses that practically cover his whole face and a mustache that’s more comical than convincing. You almost expect him to pull out a newspaper, tilt his oversized fedora, and start talking about some mysterious case he’s working on. The child’s so convincing in his grown-up disguise that you almost want to ask him for stock market tips…

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It’s like he’s ready for a board meeting or a high-level negotiation with his fellow kiddos about bedtime rules. As the subway rumbles along, you can’t help but chuckle and wonder if he’s got a tiny detective agency to run or if he’s just the world’s youngest and most stylish businessman. One thing’s for sure: he’s got adulthood nailed down, and the rest of us might want to take notes.

A Secret Weapon Of Beauty

When time is tight and there’s no time to doll up at home, you’ve got to get creative, just like this resourceful lady. Who says you need a fancy makeup kit when you can wield a disposable plastic knife as your secret weapon of beauty?

You’ll Never Believe These 41 Bizarre Humans Spotted on Public TransitIzismile

Sure, it might raise a few eyebrows seeing her skillfully apply makeup with a plastic knife on public transit, but what truly counts is that she’s nailing her look with whatever tools she’s got. After all, isn’t adaptability the essence of real beauty? So, hats off to this commuter for proving that makeup mastery knows no bounds, even if it means wielding a plastic knife in the name of killer beauty!

Go Go Metro Rangers! 

Picture this: you’re on the subway, minding your own business, when suddenly, the doors slide open and in walks not one, not two, but the entire squad of Power Rangers! It’s like the ultimate superhero team-up, right in the heart of your morning commute. And you know what? Suddenly, that subway ride feels a whole lot safer.

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We can’t help but admire their flawless coordination. These heroes must be on their way back from Comic-Con, where they were probably saving the world from evil villains before catching the train. Subway safety never looked this colorful!

Another Average Day in The Subway

Welcome to another day in the wild world of the NYC subway, where the unexpected is just part of the daily grind. Here, you can witness a guy hanging upside down like he’s auditioning for a circus act, while everyone else goes about their business, acting as if gravity’s just a suggestion. It’s a quintessential New York moment – strange, mesmerizing, and utterly nonchalant.

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But what truly steals the show is that perfectly timed headline in the newspaper that reads, “Subway Maniac Incidents Soar.” You couldn’t craft a more fitting caption for the spectacle unfolding before our eyes. Sometimes, reality truly outdoes fiction, and this subway scene is living proof.

Flee for Your Life!

If the guy in the middle doesn’t make a hasty exit at the next subway stop, we might need to launch a search party! Why, you ask? Well, we’ve got plague doctors on the train, and it’s all sorts of eerie.

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There are fellow people in full-on plague doctor attire, beak mask and everything, right there among today’s commuters. It’s like a blast from the past to the time of the Black Death, a bubonic plague pandemic that raged from 1346 to 1353, causing widespread devastation. Unique fashion choices are cool, but dressing like a plague doctor on the subway? Maybe not the best idea. Time for a stylish change that won’t creep out your fellow passengers!

The Morning Regret Special

Capturing the essence of ‘after hours’ nightlife and early-morning regret, this snapshot speaks volumes. A young woman, presumably done with a night of revelry, dozes off in the subway with an open pizza box delicately balanced on her lap. What could go wrong? Oh, just your regular pizza tragedy! We’ve all been there, haven’t we? One minute you’re holding onto a box of cheesy goodness, and the next, you’re part of a heartbreaking tableau of lost dreams and fallen toppings.”

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The photograph is more than just entertaining—it’s a captivating drama in a single frame. Our subway sleeper has unwittingly become the poster child for a modern-day Greek tragedy. She, fast asleep and utterly oblivious, and the pizza, now gracelessly sprawled on the subway floor. Let’s all take a moment to mourn the lost slice of perfection, while simultaneously acknowledging the universal struggle of balancing late-night cravings with the unforgiving early morning light.

Pop-Up Dental Clinic

Ah yes, forget bathroom mirrors and morning routines—why not bring the sacred ritual of teeth-brushing to the morning subway? Talk about multi-tasking! Here we have a woman, toothbrush in hand, taking the concept of a ‘fresh start’ to a whole new underground level. Who needs a sink when you’ve got a captive audience?

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If this is not the epitome of seizing the moment, then we don’t know what is. It’s not just a commute, it’s a ‘toothmute!’ As fellow passengers look on, torn between awe and confusion, we can’t help but wonder: will she go for mouthwash next? Or maybe break out a razor for a quick shave? Either way, she’s clearly brushing up on how to make the most of her morning ride!

Did He Knit That Whole Outfit While in the Subway?

Behold the subway’s very own transformation story! This guy’s proving that knitting isn’t just a grandma’s game. Rumor has it, he was in his birthday suit before he decided to fashion himself an entire ensemble, complete with a matching cap. Talk about upgrading from au naturel to haute couture on the commute!

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We salute his commitment to keeping the knitting spirit alive, one stitch at a time. Next time you’re on the subway, remember that a fellow passenger might be a knitting wizard in the making, turning their birthday suit into the latest fashion trend, one subway ride at a time. Now, that’s what we call taking “stranded on a desert island chic” to a whole new level!

Cosmic Commute

Picture this: You step onto the subway, and there’s an alien right there, calmly seated among the commuters. Yep, the kind with the bulbous head, scary eyes, and green spacesuit. It’s like someone beamed in from a galaxy far, far away to catch the morning commute. You can’t help but wonder if the UFO is double-parked in the subway tunnel.

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As you try to avoid intergalactic eye contact, you realize that maybe they’re just a bit lost, looking for the nearest wormhole station. Or perhaps, Earth’s cuisine is so famous across the cosmos that aliens have decided to trade in their flying saucers for a taste of our earthly delights. Either way, it’s a close encounter of the subway kind, and you can’t help but smile as you ponder the universal question: “Is there a subway map in Area 51?”

Hungry Pikachu

Ever wondered what happens when Pikachu decides he’s had enough of being a pocket monster? Well, it seems he’s graduated from being an Electric-type Pokémon to a full-fledged carnivore! Maybe Ash just pushed him one Thunder Shock too far, and Pikachu decided it was time for payback.

You’ll Never Believe These 41 Bizarre Humans Spotted on Public TransitReddit

But the most shocking thing is that there is a little hand sticking out of Pickachu’s mouth. It’s like a bizarre mashup of your beloved childhood memories and a scene straight out of “Attack on Titan.” Who knew that under that cute, electrifying exterior, Pikachu had such a taste for adventure—and maybe something else, too? Gotta catch ’em all…or should we say, gotta eat ’em all!

Pint-Sized Pit-Bull Pal

In the land of subway rules, where only pocket-sized pups get the green light, one man decided to defy convention. How, you ask? By training his trusty pit-bull to transform into a miniaturized version of itself, fitting snugly into a tiny bag!

You’ll Never Believe These 41 Bizarre Humans Spotted on Public TransitReddit

And we can’t blame him because the New York subway system bans canines unless they can fit in a small bag. Who knew that man’s best friend could also be his best travel companion, no matter the bag size? The dog is like: “HA! “Got ya!”.

Booze: The Unlikely Bonding Agent

When we’ve heard this story it instantly made us smile. Apparently a full bottle of wine suddenly rolls out from beneath a subway seat, instantly turning two total strangers into drinking buddies. They pop that bottle open and start sipping away, forging a boozy connection that not even the subway could deter. And as the photo suggests, the guy on the right might just be tweeting about their impromptu underground wine tasting!

You’ll Never Believe These 41 Bizarre Humans Spotted on Public TransitReddit

It’s heartwarming to witness people sharing, but here’s the real puzzler: who’s the subway traveler with the corkscrew? Did they have a hunch that subway wine emergencies were in their future? Or maybe they’re just the subway’s go-to wine enthusiast, ready for any grapey adventure. One thing’s clear: this is peak NYC.

Live, Laugh, Love
You’ll Never Believe These 41 Bizarre Humans Spotted on Public Transit
4 Zodiac Signs Who Are Always Sleepy
4 Zodiac Signs Who Are Always Sleepy