Your Fingers Can Tell You A Lot About Your Personality. What Kind Of Fingers Do You Have?

Like we said, the secret lies in your ring finger and index finger. Now look closely. Does the shape of your fingers look like type B or C?

B. The ring finger is shorter than the index finger

Men with these hands are very confident and can even be a little narcissistic. These people have no trouble being alone often and don’t like to be disturbed. However when it comes to love, they are less confident as they’re not the ones to make the first move and take the initiative.

What do you think, do you recognize yourself or a loved one in one of these categories? No? Well, then you must be type C.

C. The ring finger and index finger are the same lengths

Maybe this says enough already… men with these hands are good mediators, very loyal and loving. Everything is balanced with this type. They’re calm and everything seems to run smoothly, as if it’s all organized.

Now you know what your fingers can tell about you, but did you know that only your pinky finger also says something about you? You will read all about it on the next page.

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Your Fingers Can Tell You A Lot About Your Personality. What Kind Of Fingers Do You Have?
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