Your Fingers Can Tell You A Lot About Your Personality. What Kind Of Fingers Do You Have?

On the previous page, we revealed to you what it says about you if your pinky finger looks like type A. But what if your pinky finger looks like type B or C? On this page, you will read all about it….

B. Your little finger doesn’t reach the upper line of your ring finger

  • Taking the first step to approach someone is something you’d rather not do. You come across as shy and reserved.
  • You are a loyal and devoted person. In a relationship, you will give your partner a lot of loving attention.
  • Does someone have a secret? Then they will come to you first, because you are good at ferreting out secrets.
  • You will not give up on helping someone until the goal is actually achieved.
  • You secretly hope to find the one, even though sometimes you give the impression of not needing anyone in your life.

C. Your little finger is the same height as the upper line of your ring finger

  • You’re a modest person and you don’t open up to strangers easily. When you fully trust people, however, you have deep emotional connections to them.
  • People sometimes tell you that you have an arrogant air about you, but that isn’t who you really are.
  • Lies, dishonesty and hypocrisy? You won’t have any of it, because that’s nothing like you as a person.
  • You are your own biggest critic, and you always demand a lot from yourself.
  • You can be quite eccentric at times.
  • You have a big heart and you always want to help other people.
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Your Fingers Can Tell You A Lot About Your Personality. What Kind Of Fingers Do You Have?
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